Health & Medical Acne

Eliminating Acne Problems with Colloidal Silver

Acne is a skin condition characterized by cysts, whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules etc.
There are number of factors considered as main causes behind development of acne condition.
Some of these causes have been established scientifically whereas some others are mere misconceptions.
Following are some of the main causes responsible for development of acne.
Unhygienic food habits like consumption of junk (oily) food that lacks nutritional value.
Irregular timings of food Hormonal imbalances Inadequate sleep Use of certain medications Pre-existing health conditions like chronic constipation Many people attribute acne occurrence to sexual activities and some consider that it is a natural disorder which everyone experiences during their adolescence.
Knowing the root cause behind occurrence of acne condition helps in proper treatment.
Whatever may be the cause, acne is result of clogging of dead cells and body oils in the skin pores.
Bacteria are considered as main factor that contribute towards development or aggravation in all forms of acne.
There are number of over-the-counter medications and home remedies, followed traditionally, used for eliminating acne causes.
Silver has been used in treating number of infectious diseases since ancient times.
Colloidal silver products are produce of advanced technology that helps in eliminating acne causes without producing side effects.
Colloidal silver is obtained from natural pure silver by non-chemical method.
In the process of manufacturing colloidal silver, silver particles are obtained from pure silver element.
Silver is considered as toxic for bacteria and bacteria are one of the major causes responsible for appearance or worsening of acne.
Silver particles in colloidal silver products are absorbed directly by the body cells and transported to various body organs through blood stream, without undergoing digestive process.
When the bacteria come in contact with the silver particles, the silver particles affect the enzymes that are essential for development of bacteria.
As a result these bacteria get suffocated and die within a short period.
Such died bacteria are then eliminated through lymphatic system of the body.
Accumulation of dead cells is the main reasons behind clogging of pores.
As the bacteria (in form of dead cells) are eliminated from the body the possibility of clogging is reduced.
Due to this reasons colloidal silver products are considered as one of the best and safe method for eliminating acne causes.

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