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Too Often Motorcycle Accident Result in Death

Nearly 1 out of every 2 fatal motorcycle accidents involves another moving vehicle. This staggering number shows that every 90 seconds, on average, there is a motorcycle fatality in the United States. Motorcyclists unlike drivers and passengers in car accidents, have a higher likelihood of fatality in an accident due to the minimal protection the motorcycle provides. More so, the motorist usually experiences more direct contact with the concrete. Unfortunately, not wearing a helmet can contribute to the high rate of death resulting from motorcycle accidents. Of these 6000 fatalities, nearly 60% of motorcyclists do not wear helmets.

Motorcycle drivers are subjects to a variety of dangers on the road, distracted car drivers, big trucks, and obstructed traffic ways that expose motorcyclists to safety risks everywhere. Many times, the motorcyclist will suffer the most damage to their vehicle as well as endure severe physical injuries. However motorcyclists are much more susceptible to fatalities in an accident, even though they may not have been at fault.

Regrettably, the death of a motorcyclist, no matter what the situation may be, is a tragedy that sometimes may not have been the motorists' fault. This is a wrongful death of an innocent victim. In this instance, the victim's family has a right to file a wrongful death claim against the responsible driver or party. California wrongful death lawyer Emery Ledger has witnessed the devastating effects of a wrongful death and stresses the importance of opening a wrongful death claim to alleviate the victim's family from some of their pain and suffering. The purpose of a wrongful death suit is to provide monetary relief to family members who have been injured emotionally and financially as a result of the family member's death. Monetary compensation for damages is made on a case by case basis, based on a complex consideration of a variety of factors. The compensation for damages may cover funeral expenses, medical bills, psychological pain and suffering, and other expenses the family of the victim may have to pay. However, in all matters involving a wrongful death, it is crucial that the right steps be taken, promptly, in order to properly file a lawsuit prior to the deadline imposed by the statute of limitations. If your loved one has been killed on a motorcycle contact a motorcycle accident lawyer immediately.

You have the right to see that those who caused the wrongful death are held accountable. You have the right to seek compensation for the loss of financial support. If you have suffered the loss of a family member as a result of negligent behavior in the case of a wrongful death, the best thing is to have the case evaluated by an experienced California wrongful death attorney.

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