Law & Legal & Attorney Wills & trusts

Ethical Wills

A will is a legal document telling your heirs what they get.
An ethical will isn't a legal document, but directs your heirs with stories to hopefully lead them to a better life.
Short stories of your life that teach lessons on how and where you got your money.
Don't leave a list for them to read.
If you have trouble writing, you can record your stories.
This works well for children.
Giving all your money and possessions to your kids may be their assumption, but you might want to consider these issues.
First, make sure your heirs will have enough money to live on.
If you then want to give to a charity, explain your wishes to your kids.
Better still, get them involved in the charity so they'll see why you are interested.
If they don't, then you'll know you made the right decision.
There are a couple if popular types of trusts you can set up for your charitable donation.
You can have a Charitable Remainder Trust.
This will pay you the interest, and say, after 20 years, the charity gets the rest.
Or you can reverse it with a Charitable Lead Trust in which the charity gets the interest income and after 20 years, the kids get the rest.
I like this one the best.
Gives you control of the final chunk of the nest egg.
I still believe in taking care of your family first, but if there is excess, take care of a charity you believe in.
Explaining why in an ethical will, along with other stories about your life will be a keepsake for generations and will out last any real or physical mementos.

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