Health & Medical Food & Drink

Home Coffee Roaster Machine

If you are looking for a coffee roaster machine to enable you to roast coffee at home, you may not need to look any further than your own kitchen cabinets or attic.
Roasting coffee at home is the hottest hobby going for the do it yourself types.
Not only will you save money, you will also have the best cup of coffee to satisfy the coffee drinker in you.
While most home coffee roaster machines can run upwards of a thousand dollars, most people wanting to roast green coffee beans probably have a hot air popcorn coffee lying around the house.
The right popcorn popper can roast a half a cup of green coffee beans of your choice in less than 10 minutes.
After cooling the freshly roasted beans for around fours or so, you are ready to grind up those beans and make yourself a fresh pot of java.
Not all popcorn poppers can be used as a coffee roaster machine unfortunately.
You are looking for one that puts out 1200 plus watts and lets in air via vents inside the hopper.
The poppers that have a screen in the bottom of the hopper you will want to avoid as these can be a fire risk.
The West End Poppery II and the Nostalgia Electrics brands are the most popular models to use as a roasting machine.
If you do not have either type lying around the house, they can be found online or even at a neighborhood yard sale.
Be sure to double check the wattage and the way air is induced to the hopper before purchasing.
The wear and tear these machines can take is incredible and you will roast several batches of coffee in them before burning them up.
Make sure to use your machine outdoors and make sure that all safety precautions are taken and that you fully understand the whole coffee roasting process.
Make sure to have hot baking mitts close by so you can handle the machine when roasting the batch of coffee is completed.
It is a quite easy and enjoyable hobby and the end result is a fantastic cup of coffee.

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