Health & Medical Lose Weight

Common Sense Advice For Losing Belly Fat Once And For All

Most people consider belly fat as something to be ashamed about. True, it is a projection of your undisciplined diet and unhealthy lifestyle. If you want to avoid these diseases and want to stay fit after 40, you need to take action to get rid of pot belly.

Some people, in their efforts to try to get lean, focus way too much hours on cardio exercise. This can result in loss of lean muscle mass and decreased resting metabolic rate. The result is often very little muscle tone.

Drink as much water as possible. Water is the key to life and one of the keys to your health. If you don't drink enough water, you will become dehydrated. It only takes a 2% drop in water levels before performance suffers. Another thing about water is it helps with digestion and helps to keep everything moving and working in the body. It's also good for the skin as well.

You need to make a proper diet plan and it's mandatory for you to follow the same diet as per the schedule. If you eat small meal more frequently, your metabolism will improve and you will lose fat fast.

When you get to the point that youre already fairly lean, but just need to lose that last 5 or 10 lbs of body fat that is covering up your belly, you really need to take your workouts to a whole new level of intensity. Add all-out wind sprints and / or hill sprints into your routine if you want to take it to the next level of intensity.

Have a buddy system in place. Having a solid foundation or circle of people that you can rely on when dieting is such an advantage over someone else who is doing it all alone. Having a team is like anything else in the world that you want to be successful at because its an essential trait to successful people. A buddy system will push you through your workouts and will keep you accountable for your actions. You can even make a friendly game or competition out of the whole thing. That will really fuel motivation.

You may have already tried to eat fewer calories, but the thing is your body will adapt to whatever you do, so if you eat fewer calories than your body requires for its mass (which is about 10 calories per pound) your body will slow down its metabolism to make do with less. You need to eat a normal calorie diet without starving yourself or restricting yourself unnecessarily.

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