Home & Garden Antiques & Arts & Crafts

Introduction and Supplies

Jewelry, generally, does not really have a purpose other than adornment. At least, that is typical of most jewelry that I design; however, here with this project I have an exception because this jewelry pieces is both pretty and practical. It is an eye glass chain. If you wear glasses but not all the time, for example reading glasses, then this stylish eye glass chain can be just what you need to look great and keep your glasses nearby so you can quickly take them on and off.

For those who don't wear reading glasses, this jewelry design can be used when you are running around and need to wear your sun glasses outside but also need to take them off when you head inside.

The design is very similar to that of making a beaded necklace. In fact, if you slipped an S Hook between the loops of the eye glass holders, you could wear this backwards and turn it into a necklace. However, one issue to keep in mind is that this design has most of the ornamental beads on either end of the beaded piece, while the middle of it is made up of hematite beads with no spacer or other beads in between them. This is all just something to think about if you decide to make this project and similar beaded eye glass chains.

To make this Hematite and Crystal Beaded Eye Glass Chain, you will need the following tools, supplies, and materials:

119 - 4mm Hematite beads
4 - 5mm Hematite star beads
8 - 4mm Clear crystal beads
2 - 3mm Gold tone beads
2 - 15x6mm Oval shaped metal flower beads
*2 Eye glass holders
2 Bead tips
2 - 6mm Jump rings
About 2 1/2 feet of .014 or .015 Beading Wire
Wire cutters
Chain-nosed pliers
Round-nosed pliers

*First, a note about eye glass holders. Most companies who sell findings will have these, and there are a number of different kinds. The ones pictured below are my choice because I have had pretty good luck with them. They are made with elastic loops and a base metal corrugated bead. The eye glass holders I would not recommend are the kind made from rubber and have a metal coil around them. I have used them, and they did not last very long. I had to replace them a number of times for customers, so I no longer use them.

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