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Online Home Business - Is it Right For Me?

Copyright (c) 2011 Khondoker Aminul Islam

"I like to plan my weekends around my golden girls and my sweetheart
- I like to watch my girls grow
- I like to be with them at the breakfast table
- I like to take them to schools and bring them back
- I like to take my family to summer vacations in summer resorts & beaches, to swimming pools, to yachting, to...
- I want to earn my living working whenever I please"

There is no ending, of "I like to..."

However, reality right now is all of those "I like to" are impossible because I am an employee. I have to work hard and long hours on my boss's instructions. I like it or not. And worse, boss use to cut off my weekend plans frequently for the sake of the company.

Are you among those people like me?

If yes. You are a good prospect of Self- employment. Many will think it is a risky step towards uncertainty. What if something goes wrong? It is a jungle out there!

They are dead right. So before you take this very important decision of your life you must consider many aspects to reduce the risk as much as possible. Wherther you are taking a bold step or a shaky step towards uncertainty depends on many consideration.

You must find ways to reduce the risk of possible Failure.


We will discuss that right here.

What Is There To Be Considered?

The first important step is to understand your-self. Are you the type of guy who cannot live without socialization? Can you work without enjoying the company of co-workers? Alternatively, are you quite content to work at home alone hours after hours sitting in front of your computer. You must judge yourself honestly. One mistake can turn your success into failure.

Let's answer few questions here.

1. Are you typed of guy content to work at home alone?
2. Can you manage enough time to work in between managing your children?
3. Can you manage your wife/husband to have you the privacy you need during work time?
4. Can you make your wife/husband, your children (other than infants), your friends and your neighbors understand that your home job must be treated as same as any outgoing or office job?
5. Are you able to design your working hours nicely fitted in between your household duties?

If the answers are yes you can consider yourself a good prospect for online home based business.

How to Minimize The Risks Towards Uncertainty

1. Do Not...I Repeat...Do Not Leave Your Current Job Fast

The most important is, you must not take a sudden or emotional decision to leave your current job and jump in to any home business opportunity comes towards you. You must have a concrete step by step plan. You must keep your current job and work overtime (may be late in the morning) and week days to start your online home business until it pays a full-time income. This action alone will make your risk factor to zero. To do this, you must be determined to achieve your goal because it might not be that easy to work extra time after a long office day.

2. Be Careful To Pick Up Your Online Home Based Business System

You must pick up your online home business v-e-e-e-e--ry carefully. There are too many lucrative home business offers out there. There are some scam systems too. Do some research on each system and select the best one that suits you. Pick up some Online Home business forums from Google search. Take free membership of few that you like. Warrior forum is a good choice. Participate in discussions in the forums. Ask questions. Follow those who are already successful. Ask them about the system you are about to take. Consult them what you have to do to make that success. With enough discussion with successful marketers, you will grow the ability to pick up the right system for you. You will be least vulnerable to fall in the trap of a scam system.

3. Read the Agreement of the Service Carefully

When you choose a suitable online home business- choose carefully. Do not depend entirely on the great sales page. Do not click "I agree to the terms and condition" to buy or subscribe to the system. Read the terms and condition carefully. Ensure that there are no suspicious terms and conditions.

4. Plan your Budget

Plan your budget as per your ability. This is important. There are too many guys invest heavily and become hopeless quickly not having a quick return. They give up easily declaring the system as a scam.

5. Use the Power of Forum

Use the power and service of Forums. Forum is the place where home business owners discuss issues, helps each other, exchange services, chooses partnerships and joint ventures and many things more. I am repeating this issue to make you realize the importance of a forum to home based marketers. The Forums are there to help you. Believe me, each member of forum hate to see you fail. So consult every move you are going to take at a forum after picking up your Home business system. Consult, which are the best ways to advertise. Consult where to invest your money to advertise. Express every feeling with every up and down of your business. Read other success stories and how they achieve that and plan your actions accordingly.

If you can stick with one or two forums and use its service, there is least chance for you to fail.

The Key to Success

Self motivation, determination and consistence are the key to success to every home based business success. One thing you must understand, online home business success will never come overnight. It is hard to roll the rock at first, need much effort and determination. However, once the rock rolls it becomes easier to roll the rock faster. Consult Forums to make yourself a daily thing to do, take a note of it and repeat the actions day after day until you grab your full success. Once you are in a full time earning spree, you can relax a little.

You are Responsible for your Successes and Failure.

Your level of successes will depend on your effort and time you are willing to give at your online home business. It will depend mainly on your determination and self motivation. Organize your business plan and your daily routine and take action. That will ensure the success you are looking for. You have to understand online home business is a marathon not a sprint. So commit yourself and be persistent, you will gain business experiences along the way that will make you successful. And success means financial freedom for you and your family.

In Conclusion

So what's the difference? If I have to be determined, self-motivated, persistent, organized and so on to make a home business successful, I would rather use these qualities to my current job to reach at the top, to get promotion after promotion. You may be right. In fact, in both occasions there is no alternative for determined hard work.

If you think that you will buy a secret formula from some one who discovered it and make money effortlessly you are dead wrong. Take from me: the only secret online business has is "there is no secret". Contrary to the off line business or an office job: sky is the limit for an online home business. And you have the luxury to work from the comfort of your home at your will. That is the difference between an online home business and a conventional job.

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