Peyronie"s Disease - My Personal Battle
My bout with Peyronie's disease came on rather gradually.
We were on a family vacation in Kauai, when it could no longer be ignored.
I could not understand what was going on with my penis.
It had been developing a curve prior to the vacation, but all of sudden erections had became painful and my penis was just going crazy.
I thought it was going to curl up like a pigs' tail.
My wife and I did not know how to cope with this new development.
Upon returning from vacation, I made an appointment with our family doctor.
My wife helped me get an erection and we took a picture of it.
My penis had an almost 90 degree bend in it, and it was really starting to terrify me.
If you are at this point right now and feel that you are all alone.
Let me re-assure you, there are many men suffering with this treatable affliction.
My advice is to make an appointment with your doctor and get pro-active about your treatment, ASAP! I have a really great relationship with our family doctor.
He is just a great guy and an outstanding doctor.
He took one look at the picture, and told me I had Peyronie's disease.
I had no idea what that was, and he gave me a good explanation.
He wrote out a referral for me to see a Urologist.
He said this was a condition that needed a specialist and knew a doctor that was very competent and had a lot of experience.
He handed me back my photo and told me to take it to my next appointment.
I felt a little reassured, at least something was happening toward my treatment.
I just figured that a Urologist would give me a prescription and it would all go away.
I hoped and prayed it would be that easy.
I went to my appointment and met my new Urologist.
He was an older gentleman.
He was an extremely competent man, and I felt like this was definitely the right place for me.
He looked at the photo and put it in my file.
He examined my penis, and ordered some lab tests.
I saw this doctor many times over a six month period of time.
I received Verapamil injections and purchased topical Verapamil cream from PD labs.
The time went by slowly and my progress was non-existent.
I was becoming depressed and despondent about my condition.
I was really getting angry, it was just so unfair.
I needed my penis to get better, but it wasn't.
I was losing my confidence.
I secretly feared my wife would leave me, and often thought about death.
I was not suicidal, no I just prayed that God would end my life for me.
It was during this dark time, that I went to my Urologist for the last time.
I didn't know it would be my last visit when I arrived.
The doctor did a quick examination and then asked me to sit down for a consultation.
He told me my plaque was very large and had invaded the Corpus Cavernosum.
It appeared to have stabilized and now it was time for me to consider my next avenue of treatment.
He said because of the size and depth of the plaque, my surgical options would be best limited to a Nesbit procedure.
He drew me some pictures while describing the procedure.
The words, "It will shorten your Penis" seemed to echo through my head.
Other words like, possible complications and decreased sensitivity bludgeoned my psyche.
He ended the conversation with this: "When you hear the expression, 'Practicing Medicine' it really applies to Peyronie's disease.
We really are practicing.
" He asked me to think about all that he said and after about a three month wait, just to make sure the plaque was stable, we could schedule the surgery if I wished.
I left his office in a daze.
I don't remember the drive home.
I walked into the house and laid down on the floor next to our bed and bawled my eyes out.
I felt like God had forsaken me.
I was all alone in my misery it seemed.
That evening, after regaining my composure, my wife and I sat down and discussed our options.
I knew in my heart that surgery was no longer an option, but I wanted to hear it from her.
She looked into my eyes and saw my pain and frustration.
She encouraged me to do some research and seek alternatives.
She reached out to me in love and held me.
We both cried.
The following day I resolved to find an alternative treatment program.
I began reading everything I could on the subject.
There were resources available, but nothing was organized in a system.
It all seemed so hit and miss.
I began reading the forums, where there are so many heart wrenching stories.
There are the men who's wives have left them, and those that gave up hope for a cure.
I'm sure there are the even sadder untold stories of suicide.
Over time I developed a systematic approach to this disease.
It was a battle plan to conquer and defeat my enemy.
To read more go to: http://SexuallyHealthyMan.
com I was at war and my enemy was Peyronie's disease.
We were on a family vacation in Kauai, when it could no longer be ignored.
I could not understand what was going on with my penis.
It had been developing a curve prior to the vacation, but all of sudden erections had became painful and my penis was just going crazy.
I thought it was going to curl up like a pigs' tail.
My wife and I did not know how to cope with this new development.
Upon returning from vacation, I made an appointment with our family doctor.
My wife helped me get an erection and we took a picture of it.
My penis had an almost 90 degree bend in it, and it was really starting to terrify me.
If you are at this point right now and feel that you are all alone.
Let me re-assure you, there are many men suffering with this treatable affliction.
My advice is to make an appointment with your doctor and get pro-active about your treatment, ASAP! I have a really great relationship with our family doctor.
He is just a great guy and an outstanding doctor.
He took one look at the picture, and told me I had Peyronie's disease.
I had no idea what that was, and he gave me a good explanation.
He wrote out a referral for me to see a Urologist.
He said this was a condition that needed a specialist and knew a doctor that was very competent and had a lot of experience.
He handed me back my photo and told me to take it to my next appointment.
I felt a little reassured, at least something was happening toward my treatment.
I just figured that a Urologist would give me a prescription and it would all go away.
I hoped and prayed it would be that easy.
I went to my appointment and met my new Urologist.
He was an older gentleman.
He was an extremely competent man, and I felt like this was definitely the right place for me.
He looked at the photo and put it in my file.
He examined my penis, and ordered some lab tests.
I saw this doctor many times over a six month period of time.
I received Verapamil injections and purchased topical Verapamil cream from PD labs.
The time went by slowly and my progress was non-existent.
I was becoming depressed and despondent about my condition.
I was really getting angry, it was just so unfair.
I needed my penis to get better, but it wasn't.
I was losing my confidence.
I secretly feared my wife would leave me, and often thought about death.
I was not suicidal, no I just prayed that God would end my life for me.
It was during this dark time, that I went to my Urologist for the last time.
I didn't know it would be my last visit when I arrived.
The doctor did a quick examination and then asked me to sit down for a consultation.
He told me my plaque was very large and had invaded the Corpus Cavernosum.
It appeared to have stabilized and now it was time for me to consider my next avenue of treatment.
He said because of the size and depth of the plaque, my surgical options would be best limited to a Nesbit procedure.
He drew me some pictures while describing the procedure.
The words, "It will shorten your Penis" seemed to echo through my head.
Other words like, possible complications and decreased sensitivity bludgeoned my psyche.
He ended the conversation with this: "When you hear the expression, 'Practicing Medicine' it really applies to Peyronie's disease.
We really are practicing.
" He asked me to think about all that he said and after about a three month wait, just to make sure the plaque was stable, we could schedule the surgery if I wished.
I left his office in a daze.
I don't remember the drive home.
I walked into the house and laid down on the floor next to our bed and bawled my eyes out.
I felt like God had forsaken me.
I was all alone in my misery it seemed.
That evening, after regaining my composure, my wife and I sat down and discussed our options.
I knew in my heart that surgery was no longer an option, but I wanted to hear it from her.
She looked into my eyes and saw my pain and frustration.
She encouraged me to do some research and seek alternatives.
She reached out to me in love and held me.
We both cried.
The following day I resolved to find an alternative treatment program.
I began reading everything I could on the subject.
There were resources available, but nothing was organized in a system.
It all seemed so hit and miss.
I began reading the forums, where there are so many heart wrenching stories.
There are the men who's wives have left them, and those that gave up hope for a cure.
I'm sure there are the even sadder untold stories of suicide.
Over time I developed a systematic approach to this disease.
It was a battle plan to conquer and defeat my enemy.
To read more go to: http://SexuallyHealthyMan.
com I was at war and my enemy was Peyronie's disease.