Business & Finance Blogging

A Great Plugin For The Blog Beginner

When I first began working online back in 2003 everything was still in its infancy when it comes to useful tools online to help make my life easier.
I made some money at that time and though it was not consistent, I am still amazed that I made any money at all.
It was fun, that I will say truthfully, even though I did not know what I was doing.
Add not knowing what I was doing along with having very minimal tools it was a crazy time.
Now with WordPress blogs and the plugins that is available for it, life is much simpler for the person looking to make money online.
In this article I want to talk about one that I have a really find them extremely useful.
One of my very favorite plugins is "measure my SEO".
Now this neat little plugin allows me to write an article on my blog and see that it is SEO compliant.
This is a great tool for anyone, especially for a beginner.
Many times when someone is new and trying to understand all that goes with SEO, it easy to get confused.
Unless the beginner has been trained it is really hard know whether their blog post is SEO compliant or not.
Well, this takes the guess work out of the process of learning the in's and out's of SEO.
Let's say that you have a blank page for your blog post and on the right hand side is your SEO measuring plugin.
You will see when you hit certain marks which bring you closer to being 100% SEO compliant, such as, keyword phrase in the title tag, keyword phrase in the description.
It shows when you still need to have your keyword phrase in a H1, H2, and H3.
Then it shows when you have completed all necessary areas it will show that you are 100% SEO compliant.
Now to a new person just starting out they don't even know what these term mean.
Then confusion sets in along with starting to feel overwhelmed which leads to a person quitting or it at least slows their growth down.
What is nice about measure my SEO plugin is that it will explain these terms so that anyone can at least understand enough to get by until they can research more about these terms.
Here is what I like about this plugin, it is for those of us that want to get going and learn from our mistakes along the way.
We are not the type that has to study something for hours and then make sure all of our I's are dotted and T's are crossed before we get moving.
Well, this tool does the heavy lifting until we get a better grasp on what SEO even is.
Or you can say it is a lazy mans way of making sure I get the SEO right on my blog post.

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