Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How to Filter a Pool

    • 1). Check the water level of the pool and, if necessary, refill it to the correct height, which is halfway up the faceplate of the skimmer. The skimmer begins the filtering process by sending surface water through a hose and into the pump.

    • 2). Turn on the filter system pump, first making sure that the multiport valve that sits on top of the sand canister is in the filter position, and run it for a minimum of eight hours a day.

    • 3). Check the starting pressure on the pressure gauge attached to the multiport valve, and make note of how many pounds per square inch it is. Run the pump until the pressure increases to between 6 and 8 lbs. of pressure higher than the starting point, then turn off the pump.

    • 4). Turn the multiport valve setting to the backwash position by depressing the valve handle, which turns the valve head. Make sure that the discharge or backwash hose is still securely fastened to the waste port of the multiport valve. The hose clamp holding it in place can sometimes loosen due to vibration.

    • 5). Turn the pump on and run it until the water flowing through the sight glass of the multiport valve is clear, and then turn it back off. The sight glass allows you to see the transformation from initial dirty water discharge to clean water, which then indicates that the sand is clean and without dirt or debris. It is ready to filter more particles out of the water.

    • 6). Change the setting on the valve to rinse, which will settle the filter media back into place. Accomplish this by turning the pump on for approximately 30 seconds, then turn it back off.

    • 7). Change the setting back to filter, refill the pool and turn on the pump to complete the filtering cycle.

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