Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

We've all heard of the word, Detox, which means to get rid of toxic or unhealthy substances from the body. For our skin, one method of detoxification is through skin brushing. This is actually a growing phenomenon that has now become available to spas around the globe.

So what exactly is skin brushing? It makes of a brush specially made for sloughing dead skin and exfoliate it in such a way that's been associated to promote energy and reduce both toxins and cellulite. This is best done on skin that's dry, prior to taking a bath, everyday.

More benefits you can get from type of detoxification:

Increases Circulation

The mere act of brushing your skin increases its circulation; thereby, encouraging the metabolic waste elimination.

Stimulates the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system's task is to eliminate waste products of our cells. Lymphatic tubes that cover an amazing hundred miles enable collection of waste from your tissues to be transported to your blood in order to be eliminated. This is a process known as lymphatic drainage.

A disorder in the said system results into buildup of toxins and waste; hence, making you sick. This blockage is one contributing factor of disease and inflammation. Dry skin brushing aids in the process of lymphatic system stimulation as it helps the skin to release toxins.

Reduces Cellulite

The very act of dry brushing your skin may aid in softening hard deposits of fat under your skin and distributing it more evenly; thereby decreasing cellulite appearance. Another way skin brushing helps in decreasing cellulite is through removal of toxins that has the possibility to bring about breakdown of connective tissues.

Relieves Stress

Dry brushing skin has been found to be a very meditative process, particularly if done somewhere quiet. Compared to be much like a light body massage, it calms one's mind, reduces tension of your muscles and relieves stress.

Improves Digestion

An expert on skincare said that there are a number of naturopathic doctors employ dry brushing to treat bloating as giving the lymph nodes a massage aids the body in shedding excess water and toxins. So the immediate effects of dry skin brushing is not only having smoother skin, it contributes to digestion and kidney function improvement as well.

An Invigorating Experience

Together with the tighter and radiant skin it provides, having a dry skin brush session makes one feel really good. A number of people even reported that they have become €addicted€ to such a procedure because of the invigorating feeling it gives.

How to Dry Brush

Buy a dry brush of high quality. Choose one that has firm bristles like one that's made from vegetables or cactus. You'll want them to feel stiff but not that overly so. It would also be prudent to go for a brush that has a long handle for easy coverage of hard-to-reach areas.

As mentioned in the introduction, daily dry skin brushing produces best results but if you want to go two times a day, that can also be. You can incorporate it in your everyday routine and do it before you shower in the morning and again after a hard day's work. Don't do it just before you go to bed though as this can energize you.

As you brush, remember to do so in the direction going to your heart, which is good for your circulation and lymphatic system. It's okay to brush your whole body including your feet soles. This is actually where you should start and then work up to your legs, stomach, chest, back and arms.

Refrain from brushing your face, genitals or skin with irritations or abrasions as these are more sensitive areas and the brush is not that soft enough for them.

Apply firm pressure while brushing but not to the point of scrubbing it as that would be painful. Keep in mind that the goal is to have your skin look €pinkish€ after a session, not red. An average session can last between a duration of two to twenty minutes.

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