How to Make Sure Your Lawn Mower Starts Next Spring
- 1). Give your lawn its final cut for the year.
- 2). Drain the oil from the mower while the engine is still hot (4-cycle engines only). If you have a 2-cycle engine (your mower burns an oil and gas mixture), you can skip this step. Changing the oil while it is hot will ensure that you remove any impurities that are in suspension in the oil.
- 3). Refill the engine with motor oil. Most likely, you'll probably use 10W30, but use the grade the owner's manual calls for.
- 4). Wait for the engine to cool, then drain the gas tank. After draining the tank, reconnect the spark plug and start the engine. Let it run on the gasoline remaining in the carburetor until it stops. This means it is out of gas. Running the mower out of gas will make sure you don't get any build up in the carburetor or fuel lines from the gasoline evaporating over the winter, and it will also force you to use fresh gasoline next spring.
- 5). Using a spark plug wrench, remove the spark plug and look at it closely. If it's a couple of years old or looks oily or dirty, you should replace it. Otherwise, simply clean the spark plug gap (try sliding a thin piece of cardboard between the plug tip and the electrode).
- 6). Squirt a few drops of oil into the spark plug hole and then without replacing the plug, pull gently on the starter rope to turn the engine over a few times. This will help to coat the valves in the engine with a light coating of oil and prevent any rust from building up in the engine during the winter. Then reinstall the spark plug (hand tight) into the hole.
- 7). Clean or replace the air filter on your mower as well. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- 8). Finally, clean the deck surface of your mower, and don't forget to clean underneath the deck. This will prevent any rust or corrosion from rotting the mower deck.
- 9). Put the mower in a dry sheltered place for the winter. Next spring, just tighten the spark plug, reattach the spark plug wire, add some fresh gas and start the mower.