Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Writing Lyrics Is As Easy As Counting 1-2-3

An article writer needs good content in order to produce an interesting article.
A poet needs inspiration to write a poetic prose.
A book writer or author needs a good plot for writing a bestselling novel.
And a songwriter needs lyrics to produce a hit song.
Quite a few good songwriters use song craft to make their songs expressive thus making them unforgettable.
This type of approach in songwriting is not arbitrary, they had been not invented merely to drive songwriters crazy or force them to develop formula songs without depth and originality.
They exist mainly because songwriters assist listeners to comprehend, experience, and keep in mind the emotional message at the heart of the songs.
The article writer, poet, and author can write on a blank paper as soon as the idea hits them.
It is like striking the piano keys and all the notes are in place.
But with songwriting, a melody is useless without lyrics - that is, if you want to produce a hit song for the modern times.
The song receives a 'personality' of its own when lyrics are put in.
A brilliant lyricist and melody expert knows how to put words into notes.
Written pop songs should have very creative lyrics that reflect the thoughts of the young generation.
In writing songs, one can simply follow these steps: 1.
Play the melody using words that come out spontaneously no matter how silly they sound.
Make every line talk about something different and totally playful with wild imagination in tow.
List possible titles for the song.
Usually a great title will write the whole song for the writer.
Write the story of the song based on the chosen title.
The story should have enough detail from beginning, middle, and up to the end of the song.
Rhymes or syllables should not be worried about.
Write a non-rhythmic lyric to the melody based on the story that has been have conjured up with.
Write the final lyric with the story and the rhymes all together putting up the entire song.
Writing is a process in as much as songwriting is concerned.
The first draft written is the inspiration.
The final product is the hit song.
A songwriter must strongly believe that everyone or anyone has the potential if only they come to realize it.
The songs any songwriter creates are meant to inspire and connect with people.

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