Quality Golf Habits Include Walking Your Way to Better Golf
There are many elements of golf that I enjoy.
Walking while golfing provides me a quality golf habit that resides near the top of my list.
Trying to instill quality golf habits can be a struggle considering some of the gravity-defying shots I have made during my rounds.
Each one has caused a few choice words to either be thought or worse, displayed.
Walking while golfing does allow me time to accomplish two main processes after any shot.
Should it be one of those 'what-the' shots, I can scold myself for the lame attempt, then regroup and determine why that occurred, and then get back into play mode by the time I have reached my golf ball.
When it happens to be one of those 'Wow-that-was-cool' shots, I can admire the fact that the fairway is wide because I am in the middle walking, come back to earth to try and determine how that happened, then get back into play mode by the time I have reached my golf ball.
Walking while golfing also allows sufficient time to understand my playing companions.
Interviewing each member of the group provides much information about other devoted golfers, differing golf habits that they may have and provide ways to stimulate my golf game.
The majority of the golfers I have met have interesting histories that add to the experience.
Walking while golfing allows those interesting conversations to take place in a calming setting.
Benefits of walking while golfing All in all, many benefits of walking while golfing provide a natural calming effect that improves my game.
Some of the other benefits include;
Walking while golfing has improved my overall golf game.
The rhythm I am able to play with remains consistent and the flow of golf game makes sense.
When playing from a cart, I lose focus.
Having to go from the partners shot and then to mine loses quality.
The mental clarity is shifted and I find more time to fidget.
I firmly believe that motorized carts are more detrimental to your overall game.
You need to be loose and flexible to play well and having to hit, then sit, then hit, then sit takes away from this.
The back can take a beating in this repeatable exercise and the legs are not circulating the blood.
So by walking while golfing, you are providing your heart a workable beat that keeps blood flowing to all areas of your body.
This has to be a quality golf habit which benefits overall.
If you want to see a true benefit to the way that your golf scores move, try experimenting by walking while golfing.
I would wager that in short time, your golf would improve.
You will be adding quality golf habits to your repertoire of golf shots and the enjoyment of the game will be heightened.
Arguments can be made for carts unless the course does not allow carts to go off of the paths.
This is one of the worst practices courses follow and the biggest cause for long rounds that many golfers complain about.
By walking while golfing, you increase your awareness of your game, the surroundings of your environment, the mental aspect of the golf game and the interaction that comes with your playing partners.
Increase your golfing skills and golfing habits by walking while golfing for your next few rounds.
The game was meant to be walked.
There really are limited excuses for not walking while golfing, even though some would argue.
Walking while golfing provides me a quality golf habit that resides near the top of my list.
Trying to instill quality golf habits can be a struggle considering some of the gravity-defying shots I have made during my rounds.
Each one has caused a few choice words to either be thought or worse, displayed.
Walking while golfing does allow me time to accomplish two main processes after any shot.
Should it be one of those 'what-the' shots, I can scold myself for the lame attempt, then regroup and determine why that occurred, and then get back into play mode by the time I have reached my golf ball.
When it happens to be one of those 'Wow-that-was-cool' shots, I can admire the fact that the fairway is wide because I am in the middle walking, come back to earth to try and determine how that happened, then get back into play mode by the time I have reached my golf ball.
Walking while golfing also allows sufficient time to understand my playing companions.
Interviewing each member of the group provides much information about other devoted golfers, differing golf habits that they may have and provide ways to stimulate my golf game.
The majority of the golfers I have met have interesting histories that add to the experience.
Walking while golfing allows those interesting conversations to take place in a calming setting.
Benefits of walking while golfing All in all, many benefits of walking while golfing provide a natural calming effect that improves my game.
Some of the other benefits include;
- - A clearer path to my golf ball on those errant shots
- - The mental clarity as to why that particular shot worked or didn't
- - The discovery of better quality golf balls than the ones currently in my bag
- - The ability of pushing my trolley into areas of the course less explored
- - Seeing yardage markers that I pass to calculate a good shot made
- - Providing thoughts of where the next shot is suppose to wind up
- - The exercise received as I move from shot to shot
- - Enjoying a good joke from a playing partner
- - Discussing the political ramifications of fools elected
- - Hypotheses on the design of clubs for particular shots I may be required to make
- - Developing multiple excuses to cover any situation I may encounter later on
Walking while golfing has improved my overall golf game.
The rhythm I am able to play with remains consistent and the flow of golf game makes sense.
When playing from a cart, I lose focus.
Having to go from the partners shot and then to mine loses quality.
The mental clarity is shifted and I find more time to fidget.
I firmly believe that motorized carts are more detrimental to your overall game.
You need to be loose and flexible to play well and having to hit, then sit, then hit, then sit takes away from this.
The back can take a beating in this repeatable exercise and the legs are not circulating the blood.
So by walking while golfing, you are providing your heart a workable beat that keeps blood flowing to all areas of your body.
This has to be a quality golf habit which benefits overall.
If you want to see a true benefit to the way that your golf scores move, try experimenting by walking while golfing.
I would wager that in short time, your golf would improve.
You will be adding quality golf habits to your repertoire of golf shots and the enjoyment of the game will be heightened.
Arguments can be made for carts unless the course does not allow carts to go off of the paths.
This is one of the worst practices courses follow and the biggest cause for long rounds that many golfers complain about.
By walking while golfing, you increase your awareness of your game, the surroundings of your environment, the mental aspect of the golf game and the interaction that comes with your playing partners.
Increase your golfing skills and golfing habits by walking while golfing for your next few rounds.
The game was meant to be walked.
There really are limited excuses for not walking while golfing, even though some would argue.