Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Copyright Songs to Curb Piracy

The human mind is the most wonderful creation. Some of its amazing features include the abilities of thinking, reasoning, perception, thinking, rationalization, judgment etc. All these features in combination are the fundamental characteristic of a human being. A truly astonishing part of this entire concept is the relation of the mind to our tangible brain and the nervous system. This is the mystery of Mother Nature that human beings are yet to unravel. This is often framed as the mind-body problem. This problem considers whether the human mind is separate and distinguishable or not from an individual's physical existence. Actually, the consequences of these captivating topics are still unknown. In spite of making tremendous progress in science and technology, man has still been unable to decipher the solutions to these queries.

The human mind possesses a wonderful ability and that is the power of creativity. Literary and artistic works and marvels that human minds are capable of bringing into existence are actually amazing. That is why even the most ancient poets and scribes are still regarded in high esteem almost among all human societies. This creative aspect of the human mind has in fact paved the way for concept of Intellectual Property or IP to become relevant in this contemporary world. In a one liner, it refers to the creations of the human mind. This may include any literary or artistic work, an invention, symbols, images, designs etc. This set of amazing human creations again may or may not be relevant to aesthetic values and concepts only. They may be related and as well applicable to business, commerce and industry too. At the backdrop of such concepts copyright songs has turned out a much relevant topic all around the world.

The IP has two distinct categories, Industrial Property and Copyright. The first one deals with patents, trademarks of industrial designs and inventions. The later deals with literary and artistic works like stories, poems, novels, plays, films, painting, photography, music etc. The music industry all over the globe rakes in zillions and zillions of dollars every year. Music industry is the source of livelihood for hundreds and thousands of people across the globe. At this juncture the terminology copyright song holds much gravity and importance.

Human ethics and morals often get drowned in the turbulent waves of materialistic gains. Specially, in the music industry it is more than true. The act and the process of copyright songs ensure a creative genius is not deprived of the hard work and effort both aesthetically and financially. Many business entities have sprung up around all the corners of the world that provide this service. They charge their clients for their service and generally this charge varies from entity to entity. Copyright song is a procedure that furnishes a set of documents that certify the copyright holder as the original creator of the piece in concern. These documents come in handy in case of bitter legal proceedings in most countries. The concept and the process of copyright songs is relevant as well as much useful in this contemporary time.

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