Origins of Hawaiian Jewelry
Queen Liliuokalani admired the British and patterned her reign after Queen Victoria's of England. Her British counterpart, so legend goes, presented Queen Liliuokalani with a solid gold bracelet with OLD ENGLISH Lettering, enameled in ebony. Queen Liliuokalani wore it always. Soon the ALII commanded that ALL Hawaiian goldsmiths, throughout the kingdom, learn the tedious art. A HAWAIIAN JEWELRY TRADITION WAS BORN.
Today our craftsman patiently and skillfully engrave your Hawaiian name in solid 14Kt. gold. Our artisans are taught to handcraft each bracelet, ring or pendant, to meticulous standards. Ours is still more an ART FORM than the product of mass production. Its is in the tradition of hand-crafted excellence that we proudly present our line of HAWAIIAN JEWELRY.
Today, as in Queen Liliuokalani's day it still takes the same number of hand-crafted operations to produce a single piece of HAWAIIAN JEWELRY. The lettering for the name is first drawn over Chinese white chalk and then lightly engraved so that when the chalk is removed the imprint of the letters can still be seen in order to be completely cut by hand. Several engraving tools are needed for this process alone. After the cutting of the letters, the enamel must be mixed and readied for its part in the creation of an HAWAIIAN JEWELRY HEIRLOOM. The enamel used is of a silicon granular type (not paint) that is mixed with liquid, then put into the carved out name and then heated to more than 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. It is then sanded, polished and buffed. This process is repeated three times to insure only the highest quality. Then the real expertise of the engraver starts. The master engraver begins his long sought after skill of etching around the name causing the light to dance off the HAWAIIAN JEWELRY HEIRLOOM.
Now, the engraver's more than a decade of training manifests itself into flowers, leaves and swirls on the back of the bracelet and ring. Finally he is at his polishing wheel sanding and buffing with countless abrasives, tripolis and rouges until this marvelous creation of man and nature is born.
Not just another ordinary piece of jewelry a person wears and forgets in their jewelry box, but a genuine HAWAIIAN JEWELRY HEIRLOOM to be worn with pride and handed down to the next generation and the next.......Indeed a tradition was born with that first bracelet of Queen Liliuokalani. It is a gift that women and men of all ages desire and a gift that the giver can be proud of because they know their HAWAIIAN JEWELRY gift is not a fad, soon to be forgotten, but a TIMELESS and ENDURING gift that will ever beckon back memories of the person and events that led to its giving.
Today our craftsman patiently and skillfully engrave your Hawaiian name in solid 14Kt. gold. Our artisans are taught to handcraft each bracelet, ring or pendant, to meticulous standards. Ours is still more an ART FORM than the product of mass production. Its is in the tradition of hand-crafted excellence that we proudly present our line of HAWAIIAN JEWELRY.
Today, as in Queen Liliuokalani's day it still takes the same number of hand-crafted operations to produce a single piece of HAWAIIAN JEWELRY. The lettering for the name is first drawn over Chinese white chalk and then lightly engraved so that when the chalk is removed the imprint of the letters can still be seen in order to be completely cut by hand. Several engraving tools are needed for this process alone. After the cutting of the letters, the enamel must be mixed and readied for its part in the creation of an HAWAIIAN JEWELRY HEIRLOOM. The enamel used is of a silicon granular type (not paint) that is mixed with liquid, then put into the carved out name and then heated to more than 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. It is then sanded, polished and buffed. This process is repeated three times to insure only the highest quality. Then the real expertise of the engraver starts. The master engraver begins his long sought after skill of etching around the name causing the light to dance off the HAWAIIAN JEWELRY HEIRLOOM.
Now, the engraver's more than a decade of training manifests itself into flowers, leaves and swirls on the back of the bracelet and ring. Finally he is at his polishing wheel sanding and buffing with countless abrasives, tripolis and rouges until this marvelous creation of man and nature is born.
Not just another ordinary piece of jewelry a person wears and forgets in their jewelry box, but a genuine HAWAIIAN JEWELRY HEIRLOOM to be worn with pride and handed down to the next generation and the next.......Indeed a tradition was born with that first bracelet of Queen Liliuokalani. It is a gift that women and men of all ages desire and a gift that the giver can be proud of because they know their HAWAIIAN JEWELRY gift is not a fad, soon to be forgotten, but a TIMELESS and ENDURING gift that will ever beckon back memories of the person and events that led to its giving.