Health & Medical Heart Diseases

6 Simple But Effective Ways to Prevent Heart Attacks

Many factors that play a part in heart attacks such as age, sex, and family history, are out of your control.
However there are certain measures one can take to minimise the risk as much as possible.
Simple changes to your lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk.
Maintain low cholesterol.
This can be done by controlling your diet and avoiding high calorie foods that contain lots of saturated fat.
If you add high fibre foods to your diet such as vegetables and fruit, you are helping your body keep your cholesterol level in check.
Consider taking aspirin.
This works by thinning the blood and preventing clots from forming, both of which drastically reduce your chances of having a heart attack.
Before taking this path, it is vital that you consult your doctor.
Take regular exercise.
This works by reducing weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Regular exercise will also strengthen the heart and make you more resilient to heart attacks.
Once again, you should consult your doctor before commencing a new exercise regime.
Reduce your alcohol intake.
Heavy drinkers are far more susceptible to heart attacks, as alcohol can increase cholesterol and blood pressure.
However there is no need to cut it out completely, studies have shown that moderate alcohol intake can actually have a protective effect on the heart.
Eliminate stress from your life.
Stress plays a major role in heart disease, and people who have extremely stressful lifestyles have been shown to be far more at risk of suffering a heart attack.
Give up smoking.
Smoking is deadly for your heart, due to the damaging effects it has on your arteries.
It also significantly increases your cholesterol, making your far more at risk of having a heart attack.
These 6 simple lifestyle changes could help you avoid a heart attack and add years to your lifespan.
If your family has a history of heart disease, then you should be doing everything you can to minimise your risk.
These 6 points are a good start, and will also bring many other positive benefits to your life.

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