How to Create the Soft Texture Look With Mac
- 1). Open your image in Seashore, the freeware photo editor available online for your Mac. Make the color and tone adjustments you want. For color, go to the "Selection" menu and click the "Color Adjust" choice, then "Brightness & Contrast." Move to the "Image" menu, and click "Resolution." Set the resolution at approximately 72 dots per inch (dpi) for the Internet or 300 dpi for print. Go to the "File" menu, and click "Save As." In the popup dialog box, name your copy, select the destination and click the scroll button to save the image as a TIFF. Click the "Save" button.
- 2). Move back to the "Selection" menu, click "Stylize" and then select "Gloom." Set the "Radius" to "30" and the "Intensity" to "80" percent. You can change these numbers with the sliders, but this combination will give you a good starting point for the soft texture look.
- 3). Go to the "Selection" menu again if you do not like the previous effect, and select "Stylize" and then "Glass Distortion." Set the "Emphasis" to "170" using the default texture. You can also choose other textures for your image by clicking the "Select" button and browsing the types of textures available.