Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Catch The Magic Of Stunt Kites

Stunt kites are indeed very exciting to fly and to watch. The stunt kite can reach break neck speeds of up to 100 mph. At speeds like this they also can pull a tremendous amount on the pilot. Sometimes called a sport kite the maneuvers available to the pilot are very exciting to watch. The flight characteristics are extreme and exciting as they are can also present danger to the inexperienced pilot. One thing for sure learning to fly gives pilots a tremendous amount of pleasure.

For the beginner looking to learn the art of sport kite flying there are many ways to learn the sport. There are books, DVDs and videos that offer stunt kite flying instructions to get off to a great start. Some of the first considerations involved in a beginners first kite are control line length. The beginner will want more time to respond to the maneuvers so longer control lines are in order. Long control lines give the new pilot time to control the movements. Short control lines are for very fast paced precise maneuvers that a beginner may not be ready for yet. Hand to eye coordination play a big part of flying stunt kites.

The beginner may enlist the aid of an instructor when learning to fly. It is possible to learn how on your own. For the do-it-yourselfer enlist the aid of a helper when starting out. In rare cases beginner pilots are able to fly on the first try. So a helper to launch the kite will make it much easier to learn to fly. The sport will require a little trial and error at first so do not get discouraged. Correct timing does take some practice think of it like learning to ride a bike; almost no one can do it on the first try.

Always take the standard safety precautions; do not fly in thunderstorms, near power lines, trees and do not fly over people, animals or houses. A nice open field in a park and favored by most pilots is a secluded beach away from swimmers and sun bathers.

The thing a pilot learns is how to launch the kite into the sky. Once the kite is air born learning how to control it and perform maneuvers needs correct timing. It is possible to steer the kite from left to right make it act like a glider. The wind window must be learned which is the point in the sky where the wind is strongest. Moving to the left or right of this wind window slows down the kite. The kite will need to be flown off to the left or right of this point to be able to land. With less pressure from the wind the kite will slowly drop from the sky to the ground for a landing.

Flying requires attention and alertness because when you look away at the pretty lady on the beach for a second your kite crashes. Practice the basics of flight and your attention span and when mastered move up to the exciting stunts. Becoming a pro stunt kite pilot is a lot of fun but is a process reaching pro status.

There are certain aspects of flight that are uncontrollable and you will see a pro have problems even with experience at times. Control lines commonly twist during flight by keeping track of the twists you can fly back in the opposite direction to unwind all the twists. Wind speed is unpredictable and uncontrollable and can present problems in flight so you must be alert to the changes in wind speeds.

Becoming a stunt kite pilot is not quite as easy as many people think. It requires practice and you will need to learn how the wind window affects the flight characteristics of your kite. The internet can be a great resource for proper training and flying lessons are available via book, DVD and YouTube videos from a number of sources.

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