The Perfect Payback - 8 Ways to Drive Your Teenager Crazy
If you have teenagers, chances are they're driving you crazy.
But why should they have all the fun? Here are some easy ways to return the favor.
Ah, the teen years.
Is there anything more frustrating, more bizarre, more annoying than watching your child navigate these years? Yes, yes - I know it's all worth it in the end, but in the meantime, why not give back a little of what you've been getting? Here are some helpful hints on how to annoy your teenager just as much as he or she is annoying you.
But why should they have all the fun? Here are some easy ways to return the favor.
Ah, the teen years.
Is there anything more frustrating, more bizarre, more annoying than watching your child navigate these years? Yes, yes - I know it's all worth it in the end, but in the meantime, why not give back a little of what you've been getting? Here are some helpful hints on how to annoy your teenager just as much as he or she is annoying you.
- Talk in Text Speak - The beauty of this is that it's actually much shorter to say, "IDK" rather than "I don't know," and the added bonus is that your teen will beg to you stop talking like that.
In fact, make up some of your own text speak, like maybe WDYWFD instead of "What do you want for dinner?" Trust me, you'll LOL (laugh out loud) at your teen's annoyed reaction. - Friend them on Facebook - Not only does this allow you to keep cyber tabs on them, but you can also post embarrassing things on their wall.
Just imagine their annoyance when their page is littered with messages such as, "I love you muffin!" or "Did you remember to brush your teeth today?" - Twitter - Post tweets - a lot.
Not just when you have something really interesting to post, but basically all the time.
Going into the living room? Tweet about it.
Folding laundry? There's another tweet.
And you should really ramp it up when they're trying to talk to you. - Master Rock Band - This one might take some secret practice, but next time your teenager has some friends over and they embark on a marathon session of Rock Band, insist on being in the band.
They'll probably indulge you, just so they can laugh...
but then proceed to blow them all away with your awesomeness.
Your kid will hate it. - Sing their Favorite Songs - ...
but butcher the words.
And try to do all those really cool hand motions.
And maybe put on your hat backward.
But whatever personal flair you add to the song, remember one thing: sing it as loudly and as badly as you can. - Get Caught Up in Your Electronics...
or Whatever - You know how when you ask your teen to do something, the reply is always something like, "After I finish this game/download/text/session of staring at the television"? Give it right back.
Next time they need you to cook supper, drive them somewhere or fork over some money, say "Just a sec.
I'll be done Tweeting/updating my Facebook/downloading in a minute.
" But then make sure it's more like ½ hour. - Dress for the Drive - Do you play taxi a lot? Even if the destination is just a block away? Next time, drive them around while wearing your robe, bunny slippers and shower cap.
Sure, it might be embarrassing for you, but really - isn't their embarrassment worth it? And who knows - maybe they'll actually start walking a few places. - Act Like a Parent - Is there anything worse in a teenager's mind than to have their parents show up and act like - gasp - parents? I know, I know - it's the worst.
But do it.
You'll be glad you did.