Health & Medical Men's Health

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction - How Psychological Factors Can Lead to Erectile Dysfunction

There is nothing more disturbing for a man than to face erectile dysfunction or impotence.
It could really kill him and make him depressed.
For men, self image is linked to a perception of masculinity which in turn involves performing andfunctioning well sexually.
Any disability to maintain or achieve and erection can seriously hamper his self image.
The process of attaining erection can be classified into 3 main phases which include: sexual arousal that can happen from your thoughts and senses, brain communicating sexual arousal to the body which increases blood flow to the genitals and finally blood vessels that supply blood to the penis relax in order to increase blood flow to the shaft so that erection can occur.
If anything goes wrong anywhere in the above 3 stages, you are unlikely to get an erection or may get a weak erection.
According to studies, psychological factors are responsible for impotence in 80% to 90% of cases.
Some of the mental or emotional factors that lead to sexual disability in men include
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • fatigue
  • inhibited sexual desire
  • feelings like guilt, nervousness etc.
  • relationship problems etc.
The single most disturbing factor that is often a cause behind sexual disability in men is stress and depression.
A study indicates that depressed men are twice as likely to be impotent as against those who are not depressed.
However, it is important to know that whether impotence happens due to physical or non- physical reasons, it is likely to make you depressed and leave a psychological impact.
As a matter of fact it has a spiral effect and ED makes you more depressed which further deteriorates the condition making it more severe.
On the physical side what could lead to sexual dysfunction in men is a decline in Testosterone levels.
Testosterone is the hormone that gives you your male characteristics.
It is responsible for maintaining sexual function and libido in men.
It is scientifically established that men start losing testosterone at 10% a decade after the age of 30 and by the time you are 40 you start feeling its effects more profoundly.
The most disturbing effect is of course low libido or problem in attaining erections.
You can raise your testosterone levels naturally by changing your diet, exercising and reducing stress levels.
What can help you get over this problem is natural supplements that contain herbal extracts like muira pauma, ginseng, ginkgo, catuaba, zinc gluconate etc.
, that increase blood flow to the penis and have been used as aphrodisiacs for centuries.
Some of these herbs are intrinsic part of Chinese and Indian medicine.
The advantage of such medicines over synthetic preparations is that they do not have any negative side effects and not only provides a boost to your sexual health but also rejuvenates energy and youthfulness.
So if you are facing sexual problems, review this award winning Top Penis Enhancement Pills System and give a new lease of life to your sexual health.

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