Custom Made wedding Dresses and the Killjoys
Most of us like to think of our wedding day as being a very special occasion, and considering the option of custom made wedding dresses just might help towards making it more so. Yet, just when you're starting to think about wedding dresses, is usually the time when all of those people who consider themselves to be the custodians of your conscience suddenly pop out of nowhere.
You may have heard the sort of comments they can come up with when talking about custom made wedding dresses, such as:
• "just think of what else you could do with the money"
• "you'll only get to wear it once"
• "nobody believes in that sort of custom anymore"
• "you can buy a cheaper one off-the-peg".
Each of these rather scrooge-like sentiments deserves individual consideration.
The money
Yes, you could no doubt save money by not buying a wedding dress and simply getting married in jeans instead! You could also save lots more by not having a reception, or just handing your guests packs of sandwiches from the local food store. The point is, of course, that your wedding day is special. It is meant to be a day different to any other, and what you wear is also meant to be different to your attire on any other day. It is very hard to put a price on making that day different, but custom made wedding dresses can be worth their weight in gold!
Hopefully, very few brides on their wedding day are actually already planning their divorce and second marriage so, of course, you hope to only wear your dress once. In fact, that is another reason why it is so 'special'. The day is a one-off and so should your dress be.
In practice, however, it may be perfectly possible to re-use parts of your dress for special occasions in future.
Nobody does that any more
In fact, traditional weddings remain hugely popular. Of course, the type of wedding you choose will be very much down to your own personal taste; but remember that custom made wedding dresses can be used for civil or religious ceremonies and in traditional or contemporary surroundings.
Off-the-peg solutions
This may not be quite as self-evident as you may think. In fact, it may be surprisingly cost-effective to order a bespoke wedding dress, and you can be sure after purchase that you'll have a dress that fits you perfectly and reflects your tastes and character.
Custom made wedding dresses are, ultimately, about uniquely expressing yourself, as a bride. Off-the-peg solutions may be a compromise in those areas and perhaps one you're not willing to make.
You may have heard the sort of comments they can come up with when talking about custom made wedding dresses, such as:
• "just think of what else you could do with the money"
• "you'll only get to wear it once"
• "nobody believes in that sort of custom anymore"
• "you can buy a cheaper one off-the-peg".
Each of these rather scrooge-like sentiments deserves individual consideration.
The money
Yes, you could no doubt save money by not buying a wedding dress and simply getting married in jeans instead! You could also save lots more by not having a reception, or just handing your guests packs of sandwiches from the local food store. The point is, of course, that your wedding day is special. It is meant to be a day different to any other, and what you wear is also meant to be different to your attire on any other day. It is very hard to put a price on making that day different, but custom made wedding dresses can be worth their weight in gold!
Hopefully, very few brides on their wedding day are actually already planning their divorce and second marriage so, of course, you hope to only wear your dress once. In fact, that is another reason why it is so 'special'. The day is a one-off and so should your dress be.
In practice, however, it may be perfectly possible to re-use parts of your dress for special occasions in future.
Nobody does that any more
In fact, traditional weddings remain hugely popular. Of course, the type of wedding you choose will be very much down to your own personal taste; but remember that custom made wedding dresses can be used for civil or religious ceremonies and in traditional or contemporary surroundings.
Off-the-peg solutions
This may not be quite as self-evident as you may think. In fact, it may be surprisingly cost-effective to order a bespoke wedding dress, and you can be sure after purchase that you'll have a dress that fits you perfectly and reflects your tastes and character.
Custom made wedding dresses are, ultimately, about uniquely expressing yourself, as a bride. Off-the-peg solutions may be a compromise in those areas and perhaps one you're not willing to make.