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Follow the Simpsons Journey

When it came to Simpsons, what do you think of the family show? And what's the difference between family guy and the Simpsons? The show has run for a long time in history and the influence maybe impact you deeply in your childhood.

The Simpsons Seasons 1-22 DVD Boxset focus strayed rarely to other characters once again, with the episodes on secondary characters limited to counting on one hand. The show is knocking on the doorstep of 500 and doesn't appear to be slowing down at the moment, and it's slight changes in focus for the show's seasons that make it worth appreciating, and this one is no different.

The faithful point to around the turn of the millennium as the time when the Simpsons jumped the proverbial shark, moving from meaningful character stories to zany jokes. I can't say if I agree with them or not, because I've never been zealous enough to tune in religiously and judge accordingly.

If you happen to want to see some TV at that time, be it for random channel-surfing urges or workout accompaniment, it's tough to beat the old standby "Simpsons" rerun. You needn't really make time for it, just let it find you.

The episode is nicely bookended by another anthology episode, "Simpsons Tall Tales," which casts Homer as Paul Bunyan, Lisa as Johnny Appleseed and Bart as Tom Sawyer (with Nelson as his Huckleberry Finn).

The transfer on every Simpsons dvd set is excellent and this one is no exception. The animated menus offer some entertainment in their own right but never get in the way of your selections. There are the "Bit with the Animator" clips that I love, where the animators get a Telestrator and pause and start the show whenever they want just to draw over things.

There are commentary tacks on every episode and they're good enough to recommend even to those who don't normally like commentaries. Homer ends up broke, sitting in Moe's, wondering if he can love a woman who lost him a million dollars. But when Marge shows up to apologize, Homer tells her he loves her more than ever.

The good episodes are rarely laugh-out-loud funny, but contain enough jokes and witty dialogue to prove enjoyable to watch, or simply reminisce over. The bad episodes are never really terrible, it's more that they're a bit boring and will most likely have you yawning 10 minutes in.

It's a real pleasure to hear such conversation from people so funny and knowledgeable about the show. Sometimes, the show not only give us fun, more important is that they inspire us to pursue the truth in life. That's a good lesson!

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