Technology Software

How to Install a Hotfix in the Terminal Server 2003

    • 1). Download the latest hotfix to your Windows 2003 server computer. Use the resource link to view a list of recommended hotfixes for Windows 2003.

    • 2). Double-click the EXE file downloaded to your computer. The EXE file's name depends on which hotfix you downloaded. This starts the wizard that helps you install the files.

    • 3). Select "I agree" in the license agreement window. Click "Next." Select a location for the temporary files on your computer. You can also leave the default folder selected by the wizard and click "Next."

    • 4). Click "Install" to install the hotfix. Hotfixes change critical operating system files, so you are prompted to reboot once the installation completes. Click "Restart" to reboot the computer and complete the changes.

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