Technology Electronics

How to Take Pictures With a Digital SLR Nikon

    Getting Started

    • 1). Read the first section of the manual that came with the camera to familiarize yourself with where the settings and controls are located. This basic knowledge is necessary before moving forward.

    • 2). Set the camera dial to A for automatic. Looking at the top control panel, press the mode button down while rotating the subcommand dial. Keep turning until an A appears in the upper left corner of the control panel. Now, the camera is set to automatic. All the settings can be set here. (Automatic, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, Manual, and Program mode)

    • 3). Look at the LCD monitor on the back of the camera and push the menu button. Using the multi-selector switch (a round button to the right of the LCD screen), press the bottom part of the round switch and change the menu to Shooting Menu. Set the specifics for the type of image, file size, color mode, and other items that pertain to the particular photography shoot.

    Shooting Menu Settings

    • 1). Set the file size first. Under Image Quality, there will be a variety of choices from RAW to various JPEG settings. JPEG Small will capture images that can be used for the web, but they will not look good printed. If there is a chance that any of the images may go to print, choose JPEG Large, Medium, or RAW.

    • 2). Choose the White Balance for the particular lighting that is available. For photographers new to DSLR cameras, it is best to experiment with all the settings to get used to how they work and look. For the first test shots, use the Automatic setting. All the White Balance settings are self-explanatory.

    • 3). Set the color space to Adobe RGB, which is the recommended color space. For web-only applications, sRGB will work, but the nature of this setting limits the colors recorded on the CCD (charge coupled device).

    • 4). Set the ISO sensitivity to 100-250 for daylight and move up the dial according to the lighting conditions. This setting can be changed many other places on the camera.

    • 5). Set the Auto Focus to "ON" (AF-ON button).

    • 6). Set the metering choice (spot, center weighted, or matrix) on the metering selector that is located near the Top Control Panel.

    • 7). Choose a subject to focus on and press on the shutter button lightly. This will depress the button halfway down and activate a lighted red square in the viewfinder. The object inside the square is what the camera is set to focus on. Use this lighted square to focus on the subject and push down all the way on the shutter button to take a picture.

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