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How Brain Interprets Video Clips

Video makes profound impact on the brain with its audio-visual traits. The video is processed in the brain to facilitate learning. Verbal, visual/spatial, linguistic, and rhythmic/musical are core intelligences in every brain. Verbal or linguistic intelligence is learnt by writing, reading, listening, debating, playing word games, and speaking. Visual/spatial intelligence is learnt by seeing, imagining, sculpting, painting, designing graphics and architecture, coordinating color, decorating and creating mental pictures. Musical/rhythmic intelligence is learnt by singing, humming, listening to music, composing, keeping time, recognizing rhythm, and performing. These three intelligences are part of the unique profile of weak and strong intelligences. Neural research has confirmed the physical difference in the neuronal network of each person. Drawing on from four to six intelligences allows every person to use their strength intelligence intelligences as well as to strengthen their weaker ones. Verbal/linguistic, music/rhythmic and visual/spatial can be tapped by videos since emotional intelligence is also tied to videos. Intrapersonal involves self-reflection, self-motivation, controlling impulses, self-direction, planning, independent study, and metacognition, whereas interpersonal emphasizes relating, cooperating, teaching, leading, empathizing, connecting with others, resolving conflicts, and social activities. The emotional reactions of liking or disliking and excitement or arousal can be elicited by music alone in videos. Download video clips can be used to communicate with learners at a deeper level of understanding by touching their emotions. The two separate hemispheres of the brain relate to two ways of thinking both verbal and nonverbal. The left hemisphere is predominantly the logical and analytical side that processes the information sequentially as in mathematics, logic and language. It is also the verbal side that is structured, controlled, rational, organized, planned, factual and objective. The right hemisphere is the nonverbal, creative side which is spontaneous, emotional, experimental, empathetic, subjective, intuitive, disorganized and seeking relationships. Free video clips engage both hemispheres. The left side processes the dialogue, rhythm, plot, and lyrics, whereas the right side processes the visual images, relationships, sound effects, melodies and harmonic relationships.

A cross-section of the brain reveals that it has three layers. The reptilian or the stem brain performs basic tasks, such as breathing, pulse, and heart rate, also determines the nature of sound, its direction, volume, and its potential threat. The inner or limbic brain is the center of emotions and reacts to videos with appropriate emotions and long-term memory. The outer layer wrapper bark or the neocortex or cerebral controls hearing, language, vision and higher-level functioning and responds to the video clip intellectually. The thinking brain absorbs the sounds of the reptilian brain and feelings of the limbic system and organizes them into a video production. This triune concept facilitates our understanding and creation of the free stock video footage. The value of the video clip lies in it being used as a teaching tool.
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