Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Dried Red Kool-Aid From Carpet

    • 1). Prepare a solution to blot the dried Kool-Aid with. In a bowl, mix together 2 cups of warm water, 1 tbsp. of clear dishwashing liquid and 1 tbsp. of vinegar.

    • 2). Dip a folded white rag in the solution. Press the folded rag repeatedly onto the Kool-Aid stain, frequently dipping the rag in the solution.

    • 3). Wait 15 minutes for the Kool-Aid stain to absorb the solution.

    • 4). Moisten another folded white rag with cold water. Blot the affected carpet repeatedly with the wet rag, thoroughly rinsing the carpet fibers.

    • 5). Inspect the carpet for dried Kool-Aid. If the dried red blotch persists, continue blotting the stained carpet with the solution, as previously. Otherwise, press a dry white towel repeatedly onto the carpet to collect moisture.

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