Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Home Treatment For Piles - Easy Ways To Get Relief

If you have piles, you are most certainly not alone! A large proportion of the adult population of the Western world have piles of differing degrees of severity. It is believed that they are a symptom of a combination of factors ranging from a poor diet to the type of occupation you do, with many contributory factors inbetween.

Conventional medication such as over the counter remedies and surgery can give symptomatic relief but the very nature of this condition means that these methods cannot cure the condition as they do nothing to eliminate the root cause. Home treatment for piles can give better relief, at a fraction of the cost and can begin to address the root causes. It is a well-known fact that after surgery, piles will return in most people.

The following home treatments for piles should help you get some relief from this painful condition.

* Apply diluted witch hazel to the area and allow to dry naturally
* An ice pack wrapped in a clean flannel can help to relieve the burning sensation
* Zinc cream or petroleum jelly can soothe just as well as expensive over the counter preparations
* Drink a minimum of 2 liters of fluid daily to help to keep stools soft
* Keep the area very clean as this can help to prevent infection
* Use a sitz bath up to 4 times daily

Successful home treatment for piles will focus on using a multi-faceted approach which tackles all the possible origins of the condition at once, using a "no stone left unturned approach". This means that if you follow a trusted, recommended treatment, it will be guaranteed to work providing you are willing to follow it correctly. If you are the type of person who can see themselves making a number of simple lifestyle and dietary changes in exchange for being completely free of this dreadful condition, then this is certainly worth considering.

Very often, the longer you live with piles, the more severe the condition becomes. If you want to avoid painful surgery which is often little more than a temporary measure, you need to carefully consider your options. If you are prepared to make some easy and simple lifestyle changes, you can eliminate the root cause of your piles meaning that you can achieve permanent freedom.

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