Very useful article on how to unlock the smart phone iPhone
According to the version of the famous magazine "PCWorld", which is published in the pages of information about innovations in the field of high technologies in 2007, Iphone was recognized as one of the most useful developments from Apple. This is absolutely not surprising, since Iphone - is inherently advanced smartphone that combines player iPod, PDA and internet tablet.
The idea of ??developing iPhone belongs to the director of Apple Steve Jobs. Initially, Jobs had the idea of ??creating not a "smart" phones, tablet, by which one could type text directly hands on the screen, without using the keyboard. When Steve gave the first Internet tablet, it is understood that on the basis of them can get an excellent smartphone. All of the following years, the work was dedicated to the creation of Jobs' phone, which would be combined in himself all the gadgets that people accustomed to using separately: PDAs, mobile phones and iPods.
But you can not say that the process of creating the latest generation smartphone ever to succeed. All stages of the development of iPhone were carried out in complete secrecy - even the staff working on policy and technical components of the phone had no right to talk to each other.
The result of this conspiracy was presented on the shelves in 2007, the first generation iPhone, with an aluminum back panel, and 4-8 GB of memory. Buy iPhone similar design could be for $ 500. As expected, the smartphone combines the functionality of a Pocket PC phone and the iPod. But at this stage of iPhone were waiting for ordinary difficulties. Some of them were found by users imperfections such as lack of technology 3G, which seriously hampered the work on the Internet. Also, Apple's anticipated problems with illegal use of brand iPhone, right on which belonged to the corporation Cisco Systems. After the presentation, Apple's first-generation smartphone, Cisco Systems filed a lawsuit. As a result of litigation, details of which were not disclosed, both companies were recognized as owners of the trademark iPhone.
After some time, developers have submitted the phone to consumers next version of iPhone - iPhone 3G. The new smartphone has a significant advantage over the previous version - the ability to support a network of 3G, a modified design and a new operating system iPhone OS 2.0. In addition, the cost of the new phone has been greatly reduced, and the opportunity to buy the iPhone 3G for just $ 300.
An updated version of the smartphone has been accepted very warmly, and soon the company - a manufacturer, one after another, has released an update - iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, the first ever winner of which our country was Dmitry Medvedev.
Despite the popularity of this type of device, replace the entire computer iPhone could not because of inability to work with built-in phone files. However, the craftsmen were able to overcome this mistake, and the manufacturer developed a unique program operations under the name "Jailbreak." Jailbreak iPhone enables free access to mobile, giving users the option to install on his side, unlicensed applications.
Jailbreak iPhone compensates for any inconvenience that may be associated with the use of licensed software. But if once unlocked iPhone, then return back to the original state, the phone will be impossible.
The idea of ??developing iPhone belongs to the director of Apple Steve Jobs. Initially, Jobs had the idea of ??creating not a "smart" phones, tablet, by which one could type text directly hands on the screen, without using the keyboard. When Steve gave the first Internet tablet, it is understood that on the basis of them can get an excellent smartphone. All of the following years, the work was dedicated to the creation of Jobs' phone, which would be combined in himself all the gadgets that people accustomed to using separately: PDAs, mobile phones and iPods.
But you can not say that the process of creating the latest generation smartphone ever to succeed. All stages of the development of iPhone were carried out in complete secrecy - even the staff working on policy and technical components of the phone had no right to talk to each other.
The result of this conspiracy was presented on the shelves in 2007, the first generation iPhone, with an aluminum back panel, and 4-8 GB of memory. Buy iPhone similar design could be for $ 500. As expected, the smartphone combines the functionality of a Pocket PC phone and the iPod. But at this stage of iPhone were waiting for ordinary difficulties. Some of them were found by users imperfections such as lack of technology 3G, which seriously hampered the work on the Internet. Also, Apple's anticipated problems with illegal use of brand iPhone, right on which belonged to the corporation Cisco Systems. After the presentation, Apple's first-generation smartphone, Cisco Systems filed a lawsuit. As a result of litigation, details of which were not disclosed, both companies were recognized as owners of the trademark iPhone.
After some time, developers have submitted the phone to consumers next version of iPhone - iPhone 3G. The new smartphone has a significant advantage over the previous version - the ability to support a network of 3G, a modified design and a new operating system iPhone OS 2.0. In addition, the cost of the new phone has been greatly reduced, and the opportunity to buy the iPhone 3G for just $ 300.
An updated version of the smartphone has been accepted very warmly, and soon the company - a manufacturer, one after another, has released an update - iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, the first ever winner of which our country was Dmitry Medvedev.
Despite the popularity of this type of device, replace the entire computer iPhone could not because of inability to work with built-in phone files. However, the craftsmen were able to overcome this mistake, and the manufacturer developed a unique program operations under the name "Jailbreak." Jailbreak iPhone enables free access to mobile, giving users the option to install on his side, unlicensed applications.
Jailbreak iPhone compensates for any inconvenience that may be associated with the use of licensed software. But if once unlocked iPhone, then return back to the original state, the phone will be impossible.