Home & Garden Architecture

Easiest Way to Caulk Kitchen Countertops

    • 1). Select caulk for kitchens and bathrooms. This type of caulk is designed for wet environments. Cut the end of the caulk tube with a utility knife at a 45-degree angle at the 1/4-inch mark on the tube nozzle.

    • 2). Insert the caulk tube in the caulk gun and use a nail to pierce the nozzle. Leave the nail inside the nozzle until you are ready to use the gun.

    • 3). Place 1-inch painter's tape along the wall 1/8 inch away from the top of the counter. Tape will prevent smearing caulk on uneven back splash materials like tile. Place 1-inch painter's tape along the top of the counter 1/8 inch away from the back splash.

    • 4). Turn the rod in the back of the caulk gun to a downward position. Remove the nail and press on the caulk gun trigger until caulk oozes out the nozzle.

    • 5). Place the nozzle so that the pointed part of the nozzle is opposite the crack and gently squeeze the trigger so that a thin but even flow of caulk emerge from the caulk gun. Move the gun along the crack stopping 1/4 inch from the end. Turn your caulk gun rod upward and insert the nail to prevent caulk oozing out when you aren't using the gun.

    • 6). Moisten your first finger with water and lightly drag your finger through the caulk pressing gently toward the crack. Start where you began caulking and keep your finger moving until you reach the end of the crack. You will find that excess caulk builds up on your finger. Wipe excess off on a rag and clean around the ends of your crack to prevent smearing. Remove the tape.

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