Principles of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ - Part 1 - An Overview
The Bible tells us that we as Christians are to grow.
How does a believer in Christ grow? We are told to desire the sincere milk of the word of God, the Bible, so that we can grow.
(I Peter 2:2) I know that we are to read the Bible, but are there specific things in the Bible that we are supposed to know? What are the things that new Christians should learn to help them in their walk with Christ? Is there a foundation that all Christians should have to build upon? Yes.
The Bible says we need to learn the first principles.
(Hebrews 5:12-14) What are the first principles? The principles of the doctrine of Jesus Christ as stated by the Bible are: Repentance from Dead Works Faith Toward God Doctrine of the Baptisms Laying on of Hands Resurrection of the Dead Eternal Judgment These six principles can be found in Hebrews 6:1-2.
These six principles are the foundation that all believers in Christ should learn.
They will give the believer firm footing so that he can witness and teach others.
It will also help him understand the walk of faith.
Several of the principles were pretty evident to me: repentance, faith, resurrection, and eternal judgment were pretty much expected, (although I didn't understand the depth of each of those principles until I diligently began studying them).
Some Surprises Two of the doctrines presented some surprises for me.
For example, I didn't know there were three baptisms that the believer must undergo.
I knew about water baptism and baptism in the Spirit, although I was confused on some of the facts of both baptisms.
The baptism in fire presented a whole new world of understanding to me.
The laying of hands was something I didn't realize was a principle doctrine according to the word of God.
I realized the understanding the doctrine of laying on of hands was important to God, so it should be important to me.
This doctrine also yielded some surprises for me.
My Purpose My purpose in presenting the six principle doctrines is not to tell other people what to believe.
I will present information that I have found so that you can check things out for yourself.
My purpose is to encourage Christians to search the scriptures, in the Bible, themselves to learn what God desires for them.
But remember, nothing can supersede or replace the truth of the Bible.
The Bible tells us to check everything out by the word of God, the Bible.
God even calls the Bereans more noble for doing so.
(Acts 17:11)
How does a believer in Christ grow? We are told to desire the sincere milk of the word of God, the Bible, so that we can grow.
(I Peter 2:2) I know that we are to read the Bible, but are there specific things in the Bible that we are supposed to know? What are the things that new Christians should learn to help them in their walk with Christ? Is there a foundation that all Christians should have to build upon? Yes.
The Bible says we need to learn the first principles.
(Hebrews 5:12-14) What are the first principles? The principles of the doctrine of Jesus Christ as stated by the Bible are: Repentance from Dead Works Faith Toward God Doctrine of the Baptisms Laying on of Hands Resurrection of the Dead Eternal Judgment These six principles can be found in Hebrews 6:1-2.
These six principles are the foundation that all believers in Christ should learn.
They will give the believer firm footing so that he can witness and teach others.
It will also help him understand the walk of faith.
Several of the principles were pretty evident to me: repentance, faith, resurrection, and eternal judgment were pretty much expected, (although I didn't understand the depth of each of those principles until I diligently began studying them).
Some Surprises Two of the doctrines presented some surprises for me.
For example, I didn't know there were three baptisms that the believer must undergo.
I knew about water baptism and baptism in the Spirit, although I was confused on some of the facts of both baptisms.
The baptism in fire presented a whole new world of understanding to me.
The laying of hands was something I didn't realize was a principle doctrine according to the word of God.
I realized the understanding the doctrine of laying on of hands was important to God, so it should be important to me.
This doctrine also yielded some surprises for me.
My Purpose My purpose in presenting the six principle doctrines is not to tell other people what to believe.
I will present information that I have found so that you can check things out for yourself.
My purpose is to encourage Christians to search the scriptures, in the Bible, themselves to learn what God desires for them.
But remember, nothing can supersede or replace the truth of the Bible.
The Bible tells us to check everything out by the word of God, the Bible.
God even calls the Bereans more noble for doing so.
(Acts 17:11)