Business & Finance Blogging

Blog SEO Tips - How to Make Your Blog SEO Friendly in 5 Easy Steps

When you decide to start your blog you will find that it is already half way friendly to the search engines.
This is only because blogs are seen by search engines to be highly relevant and updated frequently with unique content.
If you haven't taken my advise and started your blog make you start one today.
Whether you are going to primarily use foryour business or as the center of your hub (more on this later), you need to know some tips that could help you make your blog one of the interests to its readers online.
Here's how: 1.
Consider your audience Even if your purpose for creating your blog is to make a profit, still, you must consider the desires of your target audience.
If you are to become successful in your chosen business then it is necessary for you to serve the target you have chosen.
You do so by giving them what they desire as you do this you will get what you desire.
More hits = More Profits.
Pictures do speak a thousand words Why not liven up you blog by placing images on it to illustrate your written thoughts.
It is not necessary for you to place a picture of yourself on every page of your blog.
Any photographs will do, as long as they are free to be used by the public or ones that you have purchased rights to.
Look into public domain works to gain access to all the photos, videos or content you could ever want for your new blog.
Make constructive and beneficial blogs You are free to write anything you want, however it is beneficial to create articles that are relevant to your audience.
If you focus your attention only on speaking about yourself, family and ambitions, you may find that the target audience that you have been striving to capture will leave your blog just as fast as they came.
It's OK to provide entertainment from time to time but make sure however to balance that with information that your audience first came to your blog for.
Dignity in simplicity In order to keep the attention of your readers, keep your words and down to earth.
The best way to do so is to write to your post as if you are writing letters to a good friend.
As you continue to write your post in this fashion you will find that you will begin to make a connection with your readers.
Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than deep reading.
Therefore, it is best to create short and concise blog post that get to the point.
Make it interactive You can take this idea one step forward by using video to make your points even stronger.
Video also has the power to communicate your thoughts, opinions and ideas on a much higher level.
If you don't think so then consider the power of YouTube and other video sharing sites.
Imagine creating one video that becomes viral and receiving endless traffic.
Make it well known to your readers that the blog is theirs too by pointing them to your comments and feedback box.
Doing so will give the impressions or reactions of your readers a greater level of importance.

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