Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

How to Earn Friends

Do you want to make new friends? Maybe you just switched jobs, relocated to a new area, or are on the rebound after a breakup.
Regardless of why you want to make new friends, follow these tips to make the process more successful: 1.
Smile Most of us are suspicious about people who never smile.
Sure, we all have bad days, but people who never smile have somehow failed to see the beauty in life.
You've probably heard that it takes fewer facial muscles to smile, than to frown.
While the issue is debatable among experts, clinical studies have proven that smiles are indeed contagious.
While the "world" won't smile with you when you smile-it's likely that the people around you will.
Say nice things Although we're told to do this from an early age, many of us fail to heed this advice.
In his book "How to Win Friends and Influence People," Dale Carnegie argues that we should never "criticize, condemn, or complain.
" While that sounds easy enough, too often we find ourselves making negative comments that we wish we could take back.
Remember that positive words start with positive thinking.
So watch positive shows and movies, read positive news, and surround yourself with positive people.
Admit when you're wrong or have made a mistake Sometimes being right or wrong has nothing to do with our attitude toward a person.
The problem is that they never admit when they've goofed up.
When a person fails to admit mistakes, then the implication is that he or she is infallible.
Since "to err is human," we have difficulty relating to someone who creates the impression that they're somehow above making mistakes.
So when you've messed up, just fess up and try to avoid making the same mistake twice.
Remember to say "please" and "thank you.
" Dale Carnegie observes in "How to Win Friends and Influence People," that feeling important is more valuable to most people, than being wealthy or powerful.
Few of us like being commanded around like robots, or feeling like unappreciated nobodies.
So remember these "magic words" whenever you make a request or receive something.
You'll find that people will react to you more positively if you remember to take the time to say these words.
Motivate people Life can seem much more exciting when we have goals in life.
People spend tons of money to hear motivational speakers, because they make them excited and goal-oriented.
Carnegie argued that we can become more popular by creating an "eager want" in people.
Assume the best in people When you assume that someone will fail, and then relay that expectation to them-it's highly unlikely that they'll like you.
On the other hand, when you assume that someone will succeed, then those positive vibes can be contagious.
Assume the best in people, rather than the worst.
While making friends isn't rocket science, it involves an insight into human nature and how to communicate effectively.
These tips can help you to make new friends fast.

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