Do it Yourself Glass Etching
- 1). Mark off the areas you want to etch with painter's tape. Make sure that the tape adheres perfectly to the glass surface in order to prevent the etching cream from leaking underneath the tape. The painter's tape will give you a straight solid line and is helpful for filling in a band of etched glass on your object.
- 2). Stick your stencils or stickers to the surface of the glass. Stickers will give you the silhouette of the shapes when you remove them. Stencils are used to create filled-in shapes on etched glass.
- 3). Shake the bottle of etching cream. Use an artist's brush to apply the etching cream to the surface of the glass wherever you want the glass to be frosted. If you have applied stickers or painter's tape, stay within the confines of your designs. Apply a thick, even coat to the surface of the glass. You may need to apply several layers of the etching cream to get the frosted look you want.
- 4). Leave the glass to sit until it has dried. When dry, rinse the glass object under running water to remove the excess etching cream.
- 5). Towel dry the item and carefully pull off the painter's tape, stickers or stencils to reveal the finished product.