The Lean Body - High Intensity Interval Training
Overview: Powering up a workout program to improve results and reduce stored body fat mass can be as simple as changing the type of workout utilized.
High intensity interval training is the activity of choice for many coaches and trainers.
The quick results and the short training periods make it an easy choice for the dieter and training candidates.
Faster and Stronger High intensity interval training (HIIT) works on the process of creating bursts of energy levels that push the body to the limit, followed by lower intensity and/or resting periods.
The power of HIIT comes from the body's need to recover from being pushed to its limits.
EPOC or excess post exercise oxygen consumption is the essential process at the core of HIIT.
The body burns 9 times more body fat in trying to create an internal balance.
The oxygen consumed forces a higher metabolic burn rate and a more successful weight loss and muscle building program.
Oxygen Booster One of the biggest benefits of HIIT is the improvement in oxygen uptake during exercise.
VO2 max or the maximum amount of oxygen that is able to uptake during the workout period is greatly improved by HIIT.
This benefit is achieved by the body's need to consume more oxygen in the recovery state of HIIT.
Burn, Baby Burn In contract to the low, slow cardio workouts that can allow muscle to degrade, the HIIT programs will create a reduction in stored body fat and will build muscle rather than allowing muscle loss.
When HIIT is combined with a slightly hypercaloric diet (above the BMR level) it can create an anabolic state which allows for the addition of muscle mass without the need to add stored body fat.
Make it Work There are two basic styles of HIIT development; the first is to go above your VO2 maximum for a short period of time with ample recovery time or in contrast, to burn the VO2 level just below max for a longer period of time, also with ample recovery time.
In the first case, the body will be pushed to the limit and the EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption) and VO2 will be at maximum levels.
In the second case, the body will be trained to perform at a very high level of intensity for longer periods of time and will require less time to recover.
In the first instance, warm up for 5 minutes, then sprint or work at maximum level for 15-30 seconds with a 2 minute recovery (walk or jog) and finish with a cool down.
Repeat this for 6-10 times to create an effective workout program.
In the second case, do the same warm up but work at 80% of your limit rate for 45 seconds to 1.
5 minutes with a 1-2 minute recovery period.
Repeat this for 5-8 intervals with a cool down interval.
High intensity interval training is the activity of choice for many coaches and trainers.
The quick results and the short training periods make it an easy choice for the dieter and training candidates.
Faster and Stronger High intensity interval training (HIIT) works on the process of creating bursts of energy levels that push the body to the limit, followed by lower intensity and/or resting periods.
The power of HIIT comes from the body's need to recover from being pushed to its limits.
EPOC or excess post exercise oxygen consumption is the essential process at the core of HIIT.
The body burns 9 times more body fat in trying to create an internal balance.
The oxygen consumed forces a higher metabolic burn rate and a more successful weight loss and muscle building program.
Oxygen Booster One of the biggest benefits of HIIT is the improvement in oxygen uptake during exercise.
VO2 max or the maximum amount of oxygen that is able to uptake during the workout period is greatly improved by HIIT.
This benefit is achieved by the body's need to consume more oxygen in the recovery state of HIIT.
Burn, Baby Burn In contract to the low, slow cardio workouts that can allow muscle to degrade, the HIIT programs will create a reduction in stored body fat and will build muscle rather than allowing muscle loss.
When HIIT is combined with a slightly hypercaloric diet (above the BMR level) it can create an anabolic state which allows for the addition of muscle mass without the need to add stored body fat.
Make it Work There are two basic styles of HIIT development; the first is to go above your VO2 maximum for a short period of time with ample recovery time or in contrast, to burn the VO2 level just below max for a longer period of time, also with ample recovery time.
In the first case, the body will be pushed to the limit and the EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption) and VO2 will be at maximum levels.
In the second case, the body will be trained to perform at a very high level of intensity for longer periods of time and will require less time to recover.
In the first instance, warm up for 5 minutes, then sprint or work at maximum level for 15-30 seconds with a 2 minute recovery (walk or jog) and finish with a cool down.
Repeat this for 6-10 times to create an effective workout program.
In the second case, do the same warm up but work at 80% of your limit rate for 45 seconds to 1.
5 minutes with a 1-2 minute recovery period.
Repeat this for 5-8 intervals with a cool down interval.