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seo tutorials for beginners

SEO ,full form search engine optimization is the process ,in which you make your website at first page of google for any keyword of your choice.This is one of the best seo tutorialsavailable on internet.i will tell you many things about seo here.SEO,This process takes some time but gives you an awesome result also.People who own there websites,generally do 3 things for making big cash.
They 3 techniques are as follows.
[1]Search engine optimization[A lot of person do this.
[2]PPC pay per click marketing - there are some companies,who offer you pay per click marketing and they publish your website name with your url on many sites,google adwords,adbrite,bidvertiser and many more gives suck kinda service but these services are really very expensive and this ppc marketting techniques are used only by few percentage of person.
[3]email marketing- People higher some email marketting services like aweber,constant contact and some more but these websites,also charges a lot of money .aweber charges 8 $ for sending email to 1000 person , again most of the people not use this.
and here is the conclusion,people generally do seo of there website,because it gives best results and is comparatively cheap.

You can use some cheap link building software's or sites and services or can do all these things yourself,these things are highly effective and does not charge you an unaffordable price.
and as for as the result is concerned,seo is the best process to bring your website on first page of google.
go on with this seo tutorials .
I have seen many people spending there 90% of time in doing link building of there website and does not concentrate much on keyword research weather keyword is the most important thing to keep in mind.
You can realize it yourself.
suppose that a keyword A is having less competition and searched more and keyword B is having more competition and searched less , then definetaly keywordA is nice to target because having less competition and searched most.
Now you want to know how to search a nice keyword and want to read rest of the article....right?
You can find the perfect keyword tool and more tutorials and this tutorial discussed complete on my
seo tutorials

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