Business & Finance Careers & Employment

What is Your Passion?

Most of us have heard that we need to develop our passion.
There should be at least one thing that makes us jump out of bed in the morning, happy to be alive just because we have the opportunity to do it.
But what is that one thing, and how do we find it? Fellow Career Coach Gail Blanke writes in this month's Real Simple magazine about an exercise to help us realize more fully where our passions lie.
"Imagine you're at a party where you don't know anyone and you're wishing you were somewhere else.
But then you overhear a small group talking about something so compelling that you forget your shyness and walk straight up to them and say, 'Excuse me.
I couldn't help overhearing you talking about X, and I just had to get into the conversation.
' What are they talking about? Is it Tuscan cooking? Or something you hadn't considered, like raising golden retrievers? Whatever it is, it's a passion of yours.
Maybe not the only one, but one you love.
See what you can make out of it.
" Sure, it sounds nice to be passionate about something, but until you know what yours is, you really cannot do much to fulfill it.
Do not feel left out if you do'nt know what your passion is.
You cannot expect to know or understand it fully as a 20-year old college kid, or even as a 40-year old mid-level manager.
If you are having a hard time finding your passion, it may require a step back and a fresh look inside to see what is truly there.
Instead of trying to live out a life that someone else may have created for you, determine what your unique passions are and then use them.

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