Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Similarities Between Customer Service Representatives & Student Services Representatives


    • The main purpose of service representatives, both for customers and students, is to aid anyone who is having issues. A customer service representative can help with issues a customer has with products or services received from a company. Similarly, a student service representative can help students who have problems with their schedules, activities and other school-related issues. If representatives cannot help, they direct the customer or student to someone who can help.


    • While a customer service representative may be asked to try to sell other products and services to customers, a student service representative also works to make a "sale." He may not be selling goods or services, but he is typically responsible for the recruitment of new and transfer students. Both types of service representatives must be familiar with everything their respective school or business offers and use that information to attract new people. Both customer and student service representatives handle people on an incoming basis and persuade them that the business or school is the right choice for them.

    Interpersonal Skills

    • The service representative field requires workers to possess good interpersonal skills. Workers must be able to communicate well to ensure that all customers and students receive the help they need. In addition, a service representative must not be afraid to ask for help and seek answers if presented with a question to which she doesn't know the answer. Without the proper people skills, a customer or student service representative cannot be effective at her job. In some cases, the person contacting a service representative may be irate. The service representative must remain calm and handle the situation without becoming angry in return.


    • Among the duties of customer service representatives and student service representatives is giving information. This requires a good knowledge of the business for which the representative works. A customer service representative must know how to troubleshoot the goods and services her company offers. In the same way, a student service representative must be knowledgeable on the school for which he works, including classes and policies. Without this knowledge, a service representative cannot help those who need assistance.

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