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Personal Lubricants - What are they good for?

Personal lubricants are one of the most misunderstood products in the sex toy area as many people don't understand why they need personal lubricants. Personal lubricants go by a number of different names such as lubes, sex lubricants and even water based lubricants. Perhaps we can shed some light on what lubricants are good for and who needs to use them.

Lubricants are similar to the motor oil you put in your car as they are made to reduce friction. While many women naturally produce moisture or lubricant when they are young as they get older they may not produce as much or often times the amount they produce isn't sufficient to make vaginal or anal sex pleasant for either party. Often a couple will begin having sex and not really know whether or not the amount of lubricant she produces is "normal" and it may take some time to find out they could benefit from a lubricant.

Often men will masturbate without realizing the experience could be enhanced with some type of lubricant. Due to the private nature of masturbation young men may not feel up to the task of purchasing a lubricant at a sex toy store or even the drug store so they may proceed without a lubricant for many, many years. A general use lubricant would suffice in this case but often they may use petroleum jelly or even hand lotion to mimic the sensation of a vagina.

Couples also often engage in sexual relations without any concern about lubricants as they don't need them or don't really give it much thought as many other things are on their minds. In time the issue of lubricants come to the surfact for one reason or another. Using a lubricant can seen artificial since a woman should produce sufficient lubrication shouldn't she? Whether she produces enough lubricant or perhaps she isn't sufficiently aroused. Whatever the reason lubricants are availalbe to resolve the issue with ease at a very low cost.

So what kind of lubricants should you use? Water based lubricants are the most widely used and available in the country and it works. Water based lubricants are the multi purpose work horse of the industry. They can be used for masturbation, vaginal sex and while not ideal for anal intercourse they can be used in a pinch. They are water soluble therefore they are not the longest lasting and aren't the most slippery lubricant available but they are among the least inexpensive and water based lubricants are the one lubricant you should have next to your bed if you only have one lubricant.

Oil and silicone based lubricants are the most slippery lubricant you can buy and are primarily used for anal intercourse as it provides for the least amount of friction. Due to the nature of anal intercourse easing the friction is of the highest importance. It is also important to know that lubricants with an analgesic to deaden the nerves in and around the area to allow for more comfort in engaging in anal sex.

Whenever the issue arises consider purchasing a sexual lubricant that meets your needs. Perhaps buying a sampler size lubricant to find a lubricant that works for your or your partner. There is no substitute for experimenting to determine the best fit.

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