Health & Medical Disability

Mechanical Barriers to Communication


    Transmission Interruption

    • Communication often involves a transmitted signal.a snowy reception image by Jeannine Comeau from

      There are many forms of transmitted communication; email, fax machines, pagers, cell phones, citizen band radios, single sideband radio, VHF radios and satellite communication. All of these operate by receiving a transmitted signal. If for any reason there is an interruption in receiving the signal. there is also an interruption in the service. The duration and frequency of interruptions are based on the source of the signal. These interruptions are mechanical communication barriers.

    Absence of Means

    • Mechanical tools are used for mass communication or person communication.puzzle phones image by araraadt from

      Often poverty causes an absence of means to vital instruments and machines used as tools in communication. Sometimes these tools are for mass communication, such as televisions, radios, and telephones. Other times these tools are used for personal communication, such as hearing aids, amplifiers, signaling devices, Braille and special needs telephones, magnifiers, and TTY (Text Telephone) or TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf) machines. Without these tools there is a mechanical communication barrier.

    Power Failure

    • Power failures impact communication.element electric power black image by Leonid Nyshko from

      Electrically generated devices used in communication are only useful tools if there is a steady source of power. Western countries often take electricity for granted. Isolated locations and underdeveloped countries may depend on electricity that is generated by a single source. Power failures may mean a longer period without communication in areas such as these. Any power failure may cause a mechanical communication barrier.

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