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Alcohol Rehab Centers Will Help You Live An Alcohol Free Life

Addiction to alcohol is a very serious disease, which not only causes financial slag but also stands responsible for alienating the addict from his family. As alcoholism can even lead to the death, individuals suffering from the problem of alcohol addiction need to seek professional assistance in order to restore a healthy life style.

For any alcohol addict who is looking for medical assistance alcohol rehabilitation centers are considered to be the best, as they make use of cutting edge technology and scientific research so as help the addicted patient overcome their problem of alcoholism. These rehab centers offers both inpatient as well as outpatient treatment programs specifically designed to meet with the varying needs and distinct requirements of the patients undergoing addiction treatment.

An alcohol rehab center that provides its patients with inpatient addiction treatment program requires the patient to stay on its premises whereas the outpatient treatment program allows the addicted patients to carry on with their routine activities and professional engagements.

The alcohol rehab centers generally include five chief components, they are:

"Medical evaluation


"Trauma therapy

"Psychological evaluation

"Extended care

The alcohol rehab centers conduct medical evaluation of the patient so as to identify the various underlying illness of the patient and the physical problems caused due to alcohol addiction, e.g.-liver problem. During this evaluation program patient"s mental state, emotional health, severity of obsession, level of alcoholism, are thoroughly examined as it helps the rehab center to adopt a client based model to address different addiction related complications of the patient successfully.

Psychological evaluation enables the medical experts to gain a fair knowledge about the various other complications of the patient in addition to the problem of alcoholism. If the patient is found to be struggling with any such complex issue the alcohol rehab center administers comprehensive treatment program or dual treatment program to handle this stutter efficiently.

After successful completion of the aforementioned evaluation programs the addicted patient has to undergo the detox program, which in turn is generally accompanied with drawback symptoms. Detoxification refers to the elimination of the harmful toxic components from the patient"s body. During detoxification the patient is placed under strict medical supervision and is compelled to control his craving for alcohol.

The alcohol rehab centers also conduct different therapy sessions as well as counseling programs as a part of the extended care program. It is mandatory for all the patients who have undergone addiction treatment to attend these aftercare treatment programs, because they are very effective in influencing and bring considerable change in the behavioral pattern of the patient and thus preventing relapse. Aftercare treatment program includes:

"Individual counseling

"Group counseling

"Peer support group therapy

"Family therapy and various other activities to help the addicted patients stay away from liquor.

These rehab centers promote communication among the patients and encourage them to come up with their problems, share their experience, their take on different issues so as to help them regain their self confidence and overcome the feeling of isolation. Care and constant support of the family members also plays a vital role in the successful recovery of the patient.

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