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Complications That Can Arise With Power Of Attorney

Using a power of attorney should make life easier, as well as help with making end of life decisions for instance easier as well.
The role of the power of attorney is to make life easier for the principle, as well as the loved ones involved, especially when there are medical matters to make decisions about and similar situations.
However, many times loved ones can feel that the appointed agent or attorney-in-fact can complicate the situation instead.
For instance, the situation can be complicated when there is an appointed agent for an incapacitated spouse and the other spouse has passed away.
Many times a child, friend or other close family member has been appointed as the attorney in fact for the spouse that is left surviving and incapacitated.
However, usually this surviving spouse is still the beneficiary when it comes to the Last Will and Testament, any and all insurance papers and documents and any other areas of the spouse that has passed away.
Many times these financial situations will create complications, as well as other situations when there are funds and other property that are being directed to the incapacitated spouse that is left surviving.
Also, keep in mind that if a principal has completed multiple power of attorney forms, this can cause problems and complications as well.
The decision making process can cause conflicts and issues between the agents that have been appointed in two different forms.
A common problem that occurs is when there is insurance and other types of benefits and money that have been two different agents given the authority to represent the principal in two different forms.
The first conflict usually occurs with the third party being presented two different power of attorney forms from two different agents authorized to represent the principal in the same manner.
The third party can refuse to accept some forms by statute, refusing other types can end up subjecting the third party to damages for refusing to accept it by the statute.
This is why many third parties (organizations) insist that the form includes a clause completely releasing the third party from any type of legal actions for accepting any power of attorney form.
Lastly, the other problem that can happen is that if there is evidence of misconduct by the agents that have been appointed.
There may be a breach of the duties they are to be performing and many times these breaches are not discovered until after the principle has passed away.
This can happen since many times an attorney in fact has a very broad range of power of the affairs of the principle.
However, when a situation like this occurs, this can affect how the principal's estate is settled in probate court, as well as in other financial and legal matters too.
Keep in mind that the family members can challenge an agent in court and have the court determine whether there was a breach in their duties and services as the agent.
If a matter like this needs to be done, it is best to use an attorney to handle the process, since the family staking the challenge could end up in a very long court battle, especially when there are large sums of money and other property being disputed.
If a court determines that the agent was in breach of their duties, the agent can be subjected to civil penalties, ordered to immediately return monies or property to the court for distribution, and possibly even criminal prosecution.

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