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High Tech World Equals High Tech Crime - Identity Theft

In today's world we have become the most advanced society ever known and while creating the world's fastest communicating system, we have become the laziest society ever to exist.
We once knew everyone in our neighborhood by first name and where they lived.
Today we socialize with most of the people we know by email and Facebook.
While this technology and communication has made it convenient for us to do nearly every chore faster and easier, at the same time we have left ourselves wide open to areas that we assume to be private, or at least inaccessible to others.
Our favorite excuse is that our information is private so nothing will happen to us.
Our technology has made it so easy that everywhere we go we leave a foot print in our online trail.
Back in the old days we used to have some very good trackers such as Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone that were able to read all of the signs left behind and know exactly where they came from, where they led to, and who made them.
In today's world we have developed a different type of tracker, one who is more interested in who we are and what kind of information we leave behind so that they might be able to use this information for their benefit and profit.
This activity is most commonly known as identity theft.
Every transaction we make leaves a track that can be picked up by someone else.
We are so busy in our personal lives that we take all of the conveniences for granted and do not take the time to realize just how vulnerable this convenience of society has made us.
Even though there are ways to protect ourselves, we tend to overlook such things because it only happens to others and not us.
There are two kinds of people in this world, the one who has worked hard all their lives to have what they have and the one who works hard to protect what they have.
Half of the battle is getting what you want and the other half is keeping what you have.
If you think our system of commerce is well organized and very functional, you are right.
But what happens if an error occurs? It is nearly impossible to fix such a mistake, especially if it is not in your favor.
For example, with Identity Theft, do you realize how much time, money and embarrassment it would take to straighten your life out? If you or someone you know has ever been involved with our legal system, you know that this mess is easy to get into yet takes a very long time to get out.
The good news is there is a way to avoid all of this trouble.
I am certain that you have health insurance for yourself and family to avoid financial disaster.
Why not have theft identity and legal coverage to insure you from financial nightmare? This protection is going to cost a lot less than health insurance and, unfortunately, very necessary in this day and age.

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