Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Detoxifiying Body Wrap Recipe

    Detox Body Wrap Ingredients

    • 1 cup green clay or Bentonite
      1/4 cup sea salt
      2 1/4 tablespoons olive oil
      2 1/4 cups distilled water
      3 drops lavender essential oil (if desired)
      10 strips of bed sheet (about 8-by-24 inches) or thin towels

    What to Do

    • In a medium saucepan bring water to a boil and add sea salt . Once salt is dissolved add remaining oil, clay and essential oil. Stir until the mixture forms a wet paste. Add more water if necessary. Using a circular motion rub the mixture over your body. Wrap your arms, legs and torso as tightly as possible using strips of sheets or towels, tucking loose ends into one another as needed. You may want to either lay in a lawn chair (if you have privacy) or in an empty bathtub as the mixture can get quite messy. Leave on for 45 minutes to one hour. Unwrap and rinse in a warm shower. Wrapping fabric can be washed and used again.

    Things to Remember

    • To help open your pores, take a warm shower or bath before applying the wrap. Try relaxing during this time by meditating or listening to your favorite music. Don't forget to hydrate. Drink at least two 8-ounce glasses of water before and after your wrap. The water aids in flushing toxins from your system. If you're not a huge water drinker, try adding a slice of lemon or an orange to increase the flavor. Avoid all caffeine, sugar, fried foods and all colored soda drinks for 48 hours after the wrap.

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