Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Stop Gun Violence or Political Rhetoric

I had a very interesting experience today that inspired me to write this article.
First I should say that I am not a member of the NRA or any other organization that is promoting or fighting the idea of controlling who has the right to bear arms.
I do, however, have a New York State issued carry permit for a concealed weapon.
This past week the Governor of New York passed a gun control measure.
This law will regulate the size of ammunition clips that can be sold or owned in New York and also the registration of permits for hand guns every 5 years.
At least this is what I believe to be true.
At this point I am not sure anyone really knows.
Let me tell you why I say this.
Being a concerned gun owner I placed a call to the Erie County Clerks Office.
I used the website and under the heading Pistol Permits the correct telephone number is listed.
After working my way through a moderate phone answering menu I was directed, by a recorded voice telling me how important my call is, to wait and someone would be right with me.
It only took about 5 minutes for a very good spirited gentleman to pick up my call.
He asked how he could help and I explained my concern about being able to register my permit.
I explained I would not want to find myself outside the parameters of the new law.
I asked how to start the process.
His answer was a very simple, " I don't know".
His tone was so buoyant and matter of fact I could not help but giggle.
Suddenly we were both laughing hysterically.
The gentleman on the other end of the phone went on to explain that at this point no one was prepared to execute this law nor were they sure how they were going to manage it.
He assured me that if and when I had to take any action I would be personally notified by mail or some other means.
I am writing this piece to help get the word out to permit holders in Erie County that they have no action to take concerning the new registration requirements at this time.
But I believe my experience brings something much more significant into view.
We all know that we have to do something to protect our children and ourselves from gun violence.
There is no argument on either side of the aisle concerning this point.
The problem is the methods used to achieve this security.
What we do not need is politicians, with their own agenda of self promotion, going through the motions and signing into law impossible regulations that have not been thought through extensively.
So, am I in favor of action to protect our children and ourselves from gun violence? Yes! That being said, am I in favor of regulations thoughtlessly signed into law that, from all appearances, are only to advance a personal political agenda? Absolutely not! Bud L

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