The Convenience of Connecting to Wireless Internet
The Internet is used for so many different things these days.
Most of the time people feel completely disconnected if they can't access their email or the Internet.
You often hear people talk about going on vacation and turning off their cell phone and disconnecting from the Internet for the week.
This might come as a welcomed break when you are on vacation, but when you are at home you want to know that the Internet and your cell phone are in working order so you can have the access that you need to the outside world.
There is a new kind of technology that is helping people connect to wireless Internet from places other than their home or office.
You might be thinking about 3G and cell phones when you hear this.
Everyone knows the limitations when it comes to having 3G on your Blackberry or iPhone.
It can be hugely convenient when you want to send a quick email or check your email on the go.
The times that it is not convenient are when you have a long email you need to write, a large file to download, or important documents to send.
It can be downright frustrating to have access to the Internet, but not be able to use it to the fullest.
In addition, with a 3G wireless device, you can't access a lot of websites.
Many websites will take you directly to their mobile website which will have limited access and limited features.
Other websites that don't have mobile site options might not load in full or load at all.
This is another frustrating aspect of 3G.
Luckily for you, this is not the newest or best technology on the market.
The 4G network is brand new to the Internet world and, as would be expected, it is the next step in wireless Internet technology.
It has improvements over the 3G network, the first being that 4G is up to for times faster than 3G.
This means that all of those websites that wouldn't load will work wonderfully with a 4G connection.
Likewise, videos upload faster and more clearly.
You can even use this technology for complicated gaming websites.
Next you might be thinking, how can I do all that from my BlackBerry or iPhone? This is the other good news.
The 4G network can be used from your laptop.
You will have access to all of your files and be able to download anything directly onto your laptop with 4G.
All you need is a mobile air card, or modem, to get connected.
This is a very small modem that will allow you to access the 4G network whenever you are within range.
No matter what your Internet needs are, you can get connected with 4G.
This is a great tool to use for work or your own business.
It is also great to use for your own personal Internet usage.
And you can get connected from anywhere, so you don't have to be restrained to your home or office.
Most of the time people feel completely disconnected if they can't access their email or the Internet.
You often hear people talk about going on vacation and turning off their cell phone and disconnecting from the Internet for the week.
This might come as a welcomed break when you are on vacation, but when you are at home you want to know that the Internet and your cell phone are in working order so you can have the access that you need to the outside world.
There is a new kind of technology that is helping people connect to wireless Internet from places other than their home or office.
You might be thinking about 3G and cell phones when you hear this.
Everyone knows the limitations when it comes to having 3G on your Blackberry or iPhone.
It can be hugely convenient when you want to send a quick email or check your email on the go.
The times that it is not convenient are when you have a long email you need to write, a large file to download, or important documents to send.
It can be downright frustrating to have access to the Internet, but not be able to use it to the fullest.
In addition, with a 3G wireless device, you can't access a lot of websites.
Many websites will take you directly to their mobile website which will have limited access and limited features.
Other websites that don't have mobile site options might not load in full or load at all.
This is another frustrating aspect of 3G.
Luckily for you, this is not the newest or best technology on the market.
The 4G network is brand new to the Internet world and, as would be expected, it is the next step in wireless Internet technology.
It has improvements over the 3G network, the first being that 4G is up to for times faster than 3G.
This means that all of those websites that wouldn't load will work wonderfully with a 4G connection.
Likewise, videos upload faster and more clearly.
You can even use this technology for complicated gaming websites.
Next you might be thinking, how can I do all that from my BlackBerry or iPhone? This is the other good news.
The 4G network can be used from your laptop.
You will have access to all of your files and be able to download anything directly onto your laptop with 4G.
All you need is a mobile air card, or modem, to get connected.
This is a very small modem that will allow you to access the 4G network whenever you are within range.
No matter what your Internet needs are, you can get connected with 4G.
This is a great tool to use for work or your own business.
It is also great to use for your own personal Internet usage.
And you can get connected from anywhere, so you don't have to be restrained to your home or office.