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I Have a Dream - Not Speech MLK Intended to Give

"I have a dream.
" Those famous words are still ringing through history as we begin the ceremonies that are about to mark another step in the history of our great nation.
As President Barack Obama gets ready for his inauguration tomorrow the whole country celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr.
Many people do not know that the famous speech that Dr.
King delivered was not the one he planned on giving that day on the steps of the Washington Monument in front of almost a quarter million people.
Mahalia Jackson had just finished singing "I've Been 'Buked, and I've Been Scorned" when Dr.
King stepped foot on the stage.
As she was exiting the stage, she yelled back to him, "Tell them about your dream Martin.
" Until that point, Martin Luther King, Jr.
had a different speech prepared.
What speech, we may never know.
The speech that we know he did deliver, was one he had given before.
At that point it clicked inside of his head.
He delivered his speech with the all of the compassion his body had to offer.
Today, 46 years later, we all look back and remember that dream and the vision cast from that single man.
The ideals that he stood for and where he saw this great nation going in future years.
Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.
Would it have been the same had he delivered his intended speech? We will never know.
All we know is that because of the woman with the voice, the one who recognized the vision inside of the man and asked the simple favor of sharing a single dream, we are now a nation to be reckoned with.
Tomorrow another man will have the opportunity to share his great dream with this nation as we all stand in awe.
What do these two men have in common? They are just men, with a dream.
Have you shared your dream lately?

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