Stuck in the Food Muck (Part 3 of 3)
Often times we know that we are not happy with our weight, health, and fitness.
We know that we should make changes in our eating, exercise, and lifestyle habits, but sometimes we just get stuck in our old ways of thinking and eating.
Why do we get so stuck in not-so-good-for-you habits and stay stuck when we know better? There are many reasons for getting stuck.
The more aware you become of what keeps you in the food rut, the more likely you will free yourself from the food rut so that you can reach a higher level of health and fitness.
What keeps you stuck in a body less than your ideal?Could it be: Conditioning Habits Emotional bondage Ignorance Laziness Complacency (self-satisfaction) Too many voices Fear Doctor worship "It won't happen to me" Parts 1 and 2 of this article explore reasons 1-6.
In this part of the article, let's explore the last four reasons why we get stuck.
Too many voices:With all the different and often conflicting voices out there, from doctors, authors, the media, celebrities, friends, family, and the government, you can get very confused.
Which voice are you going to listen to?How are you to know who is offering the truth? Often times, confusion leads to overwhelm and overwhelm leads to doing the easiest thing possible--which is, in this case, eating exactly what you have always eaten no matter how good or bad it is for you.
Fear:You may be simply afraid of making changes.
Yes, afraid.
You may be afraid of upsetting other people around you, rocking the boat so to speak.
You may be afraid of their scoffing or not approving of your new food regime, no matter how right it is for you.
You may be afraid to try for fear of failing and failing leads to guilt and feeling badly about ourselves.
Who wants that?So you don't even try.
Doctor worship:Sometimes we conveniently use our doctors as an excuse to not take care of our bodies with better foods and daily exercise.
If our doctor doesn't tell us to eat differently and to exercise, then we don't take the initiative to eat differently and exercise.
After all, the doctor knows best and if he didn't give specific advice, then who are we to question his authority? Sometimes we are afraid of our doctor's disapproval if we start altering our diets.
We wouldn't want to earn his disapproval or, heaven forbid, his anger because we are not following his advice to the letter.
It is important to remember that our health is our responsibility and a doctor is an advisor, not a dictator or an all-knowing God.
"It won't happen to me:"As I have heard Dr.
John McDougall say, I think the most common reason of all that people get stuck in their old ways of eating is because they really don't think that "it" will happen to them.
They witness their neighbors, friends, siblings, parents, spouses, and even their children getting some awful disease, or condition, but they really can't even imagine that it could happen to them.
How many people do you know, perhaps even you, that have been diagnosed or stricken by a disease or condition and they said those exact words, "I just never thought it would happen to me.
" People can not relate to another person's pain or ailment until it strikes them.
Are you stuck in your old habits because of one or more of these reasons?Now is the time to break free and evolve into the healthiest and the best you.
As we become more and more aware of what keeps us stuck in old, health-compromising behaviors and patterns, our thinking starts to change.
And a change in our thoughts triggers a change in our actions.
A change in our actions builds better habits.
Better habits have the power to transform our bodies, our health, and our very lives.
We know that we should make changes in our eating, exercise, and lifestyle habits, but sometimes we just get stuck in our old ways of thinking and eating.
Why do we get so stuck in not-so-good-for-you habits and stay stuck when we know better? There are many reasons for getting stuck.
The more aware you become of what keeps you in the food rut, the more likely you will free yourself from the food rut so that you can reach a higher level of health and fitness.
What keeps you stuck in a body less than your ideal?Could it be: Conditioning Habits Emotional bondage Ignorance Laziness Complacency (self-satisfaction) Too many voices Fear Doctor worship "It won't happen to me" Parts 1 and 2 of this article explore reasons 1-6.
In this part of the article, let's explore the last four reasons why we get stuck.
Too many voices:With all the different and often conflicting voices out there, from doctors, authors, the media, celebrities, friends, family, and the government, you can get very confused.
Which voice are you going to listen to?How are you to know who is offering the truth? Often times, confusion leads to overwhelm and overwhelm leads to doing the easiest thing possible--which is, in this case, eating exactly what you have always eaten no matter how good or bad it is for you.
Fear:You may be simply afraid of making changes.
Yes, afraid.
You may be afraid of upsetting other people around you, rocking the boat so to speak.
You may be afraid of their scoffing or not approving of your new food regime, no matter how right it is for you.
You may be afraid to try for fear of failing and failing leads to guilt and feeling badly about ourselves.
Who wants that?So you don't even try.
Doctor worship:Sometimes we conveniently use our doctors as an excuse to not take care of our bodies with better foods and daily exercise.
If our doctor doesn't tell us to eat differently and to exercise, then we don't take the initiative to eat differently and exercise.
After all, the doctor knows best and if he didn't give specific advice, then who are we to question his authority? Sometimes we are afraid of our doctor's disapproval if we start altering our diets.
We wouldn't want to earn his disapproval or, heaven forbid, his anger because we are not following his advice to the letter.
It is important to remember that our health is our responsibility and a doctor is an advisor, not a dictator or an all-knowing God.
"It won't happen to me:"As I have heard Dr.
John McDougall say, I think the most common reason of all that people get stuck in their old ways of eating is because they really don't think that "it" will happen to them.
They witness their neighbors, friends, siblings, parents, spouses, and even their children getting some awful disease, or condition, but they really can't even imagine that it could happen to them.
How many people do you know, perhaps even you, that have been diagnosed or stricken by a disease or condition and they said those exact words, "I just never thought it would happen to me.
" People can not relate to another person's pain or ailment until it strikes them.
Are you stuck in your old habits because of one or more of these reasons?Now is the time to break free and evolve into the healthiest and the best you.
As we become more and more aware of what keeps us stuck in old, health-compromising behaviors and patterns, our thinking starts to change.
And a change in our thoughts triggers a change in our actions.
A change in our actions builds better habits.
Better habits have the power to transform our bodies, our health, and our very lives.