Business & Finance Bankruptcy

How To Avoid Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy! That word sends chills up the spine. If you're facing the panorama of bankruptcy or in the middle of it right now, you know it's a living nightmare. It can devastate your job, destroy your marriage and steal your peace of mind. Although there may be extreme cases where bankruptcy is the only way out, most filings could be avoided by shutting out the voices of persuasion which belong to those who are going to profit from your losses.

According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, bankruptcies reached an all-time high in the year 2003, and there were 1.6 million personal filings recorded. Surely, many of these filings could have been avoided. These individuals will have a difficult time building a good credit rating for years to come.

Here are some tips to help you avoid filing for bankruptcy. At least give them a try before ruining your name and credit.

Change your spending habits: Cut back on extras like eating out, entertainment and shop more economically. Save money wherever you can and apply what you are not spending towards a loan, a credit card or other debts.

Making a List of Assets: The first thing you should do is make a list of all of your assets, whether it is big or small. Include everything except your mortgage, car payments, and larger debts. Write down the phone number of your creditors. Do you have a ball card collection? Do you have an antique item that has great value? Everything you own that has any value is considered an asset when you're taking drastic measures to avoid bankruptcy. Spare nothing!

Next, you're going to figure up a total potential value for the assets you listed and put it up for sale. You might be agreeably surprised. Selling only a few of your assets might be enough to avoid filing bankruptcy.

Be honest with your creditors: about your situation. A debt repayment plan will only work if you are realistic about what you can afford to pay each month.

Debt management: It's an option where a credit counseling agency offers you a plan to keep you current on your bill payments and help you avoid bankruptcy. The purpose is to reduce interest rates and minimize or waive off interest charges incurred due to any late payment on your account. Thus, you can contentedly manage your bills and get rid of debt faster.

Debt settlement: This can be an alternative for you especially when you can not keep up with the bare minimum payments on your debts. A debt settlement (or debt reduction) program is where your creditors cut down your debt amount by 40-60% of what you owe.

Take help of professionals: Debts settlement services or try and settle debts on your own. Check out the details on how to settle your debts yourself and avoid bankruptcy as a way out.

Debt consolidation program: If you want to keep away from bankruptcy and make monthly bill payments at reduced interest rates, then debt consolidation program may be your right choice for you.

Bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 7 to 10 years. Bankruptcy, however, is for life. Loan applications and many job applications ask if you have ever filed for bankruptcy. Ever. If you lie to get a loan because your bankruptcy is very old, technically you have committed criminal fraud.

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