Health & Medical Anti Aging

8 Ways to Slow Down Aging

Death and Taxes.
They're both unavoidable but just as there are ways to limit your tax liability, there are also things you can do to add years to your life and stay healthy into your golden years.
From a very early age we're conditioned to believe that we've only got a certain number of years to live.
As medicine and health care has progressed that number has progressively gotten bigger and bigger.
While how old you get is partly determined by your genetic makeup, a far more important factor is how well you take care of your body.
Much scientific research has gone into the study of aging, or gerontology.
There have been actual, documented cases of people who have lived to 120 years and beyond.
These people were not very different than you or me so how did they do it? By studying the aging process scientists know that age can be measured in years and it can also be measured in "real" terms.
Everyone knows someone who looks much older than their age and also someone who looks surprisingly good for theirs.
What's the difference? If you want to stay in the "younger than you look" category, there are several well known ways to get there.
Here's 8 habits of people who get to an old age in style: 1.
Regular, fun exercise.
A low stress, happy work life.
Relationship with spouse and children is happy.
Active member of the community, enjoying many friendships 5.
Personal development and the constant learning of new things.
Eat a balanced, healthy diet 7.
Supplements diet with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants 8.
Maintain a sense of worth and purpose in life So, where do you stand? If your lifestyle includes these eight habits, your odds of reaching a healthy old age are looking pretty good.

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